How can I prepare for the lecture?
Does note taking really help?
Does lecture attendance matter?
A: Took no notes - given slides after
Non attendance at lectures was the single most common factor among students terminated from their studies - Elliot and Murray, 2010, Curtin University
Improved grades
B: Took notes - given slides after
- Check the subject overview for weekly topics and/or download, save and print the lecture slides
- Read about unfamiliar concepts and/or look up new vocabulary
- Prepare some questions
- Arrive early and sit where you can see and hear
Feel part of the University
C: Took notes - given slides before
Viewing lectures online (rather than attending in person) resulted impacted negatively on students' final grades - Williams, Birth and Hancock, 2012, The University of Western Australia
Social activity
Raver and Maydosz, 2010, Old Dominion University
1 day
2 days
75 days
More natural to engage in person
Easier to remember
Walter Pauk, Cornell University
Getting the most out of lectures
Should I type or hand write my notes?
What notes should I take?
What note taking method should I use?
Two column
Slide annotation
Students who write out their notes on paper had a better understanding of the information and could apply and integrate the material better than those who typed their notes.
Mueller and Oppenheimer, 2014, Princeton University
- key theory
- anecdote
- one key example
- general background of key theory
- all examples mentioned
Source: Rhoden C, & Starkey, R (1998) Studying Science at University Allen & Unwin, St Leonards NSW, p. 51
Aim = understanding, so take brief notes in your own words
Ariana Henderson
Academic Skills
How can Academic Skills help me?
How can I improve my listening skills?
How soon after the lecture should I review my notes?
What do you hope to get out of lectures?
Students who take and review notes can recall about 80% of the lecture - Ong, 2002
Extensive listening
- easy to understand
- interesting
- 10 mins every day
Regular revision
- Review briefly within 24 hours of the lecture
- plan time to do this regularly
- make links between lecture, readings, tutorials
- change the format and ask/answer questions
- apply new information to own experiences
- discuss the lecture concepts and ideas with a study group
Exam preparation
- Review actively - using mind maps, flash cards etc.
What might prevent you from getting the most out of lectures?