Technological and Scientific Advancements of the 1500's
McDougal Littell World History Patterns of Interaction
- Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer who first thought of the principle that the Sun was the center of the universe.
- Through many observations Copernicus concluded that all planets, including the Earth, revolved around the Sun.
China's Advancements
Other Advancements
in the 1500's
The Compass
- Porcelain was invented in China and by the 1500's was spread to Japan and Korea.
- Plates, bowl, cups and vases were traded along The Silk Road.
- By the end of the 16th century porcelain became popular in the west.
- Because of the growing popularity of coffee and tea, China's porcelain cups were spread all over Europe.
- The first compass was made in China and was first used as a navigational aid by Zheng He
- The compass shown here is made with lodestone, which has mineral magnetite, attracting to the Earth's magnetic field.
- Eventually, the compass was advanced by the Italians and was used by navigators.
India's Textiles
The Caravel
The Astrolabe
- The main textiles that were traded to
Europe from India were calico, pajama, gingham, dungaree, chintz, and khaki.
- The British and Dutch east India company's took the textiles strait to there country's. All the rest of the textiles were taking along the Indian Ocean and up the Atlantic Ocean towards Europe.
- The Portuguese had discovered a main route to India, making trade with them much easier.
- The Muslims were the first to perfect the astrolabe.
- Sailors used its rings to sight the stars and could tell how far north or south of the equator they were.
- The Caravel was a new cargo ship that gained its fame from the Portuguese and Spanish voyages.
- This ship had triangular sails allowing it to sail more effectively against the wind.
- It also had an improved rudder allowing the vessel to turn more easily and quickly