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Hazrat Uthman (RA)

Governors at the time of

Hazrat Uthman (RA)

  • Al-Waleed ibn 'Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'eet
  • Appointed by Utman (RA)
  • Commander of Abu Bakr’s army in Jordan
  • Worked for Umar (RA) as governor of Al-Jazeerah
  • great deal of experience of Kufah and its troops, border posts and other affairs.
  • Difference of opinion with Abd-Allah ibn Mas’ood and Uthman (RA) dismissed him
  • He was loved by the people of Kufah until some incident occurred and he acquired some enemies.
  • Accused for drinking wine and he was dismissed
  • Sa'eed ibn al-'Aas as his successor in 30 AH
  • Wanted to put an end of fitnah in Kufa
  • People of Kufah objected to and demanded their dismissal
  • Abu Moosa al-Ash'ari was appointed next
  • Remaind governor until Uthman (RA) was killed.
  • Fitnah emerged in Kufah
  • its people became well known for causing trouble for their governors and rejecting them in many cases.

The Start of The Fitnah

The Siege & Assassination

  • The rebels tried to break in and burn down the house but failed.
  • They climbed the walls.
  • Uthman (RA) was reciting Quran silently.
  • Muhammad b Abi Bakr did not harm him.
  • Al Ghaffiqi hit him with his axe.
  • Also attacked by sword.
  • Naa’ilah, his wife, tried to protect him thus her fingers were chopped off.
  • They robbed the Caliph’s house and Baitul-Mal.

Friday 18th Dhul Hajjah 656 CE

Losing the Prophet's Ring in well Aris

His (RA) Relationship with the Prophet

  • "Open the gate for him and give him the glad tidings of Paradise in return for a calamity that will befall him"

al-Bukhari, no. 3695

  • "Be calm for there is no one on you but a Prophet, a Siddeeq or a martyr"

Muslim, no. 2417

  • "Should I not feel shy before a man before whom the angels feel shy ?

Muslim, no. 2401

  • "The most sincere (of this ummah) in modesty is 'Uthman"

Musnad Anas ibn Malik, 12493


The Province of Kufa

  • Converted Jew from tribe Himyar
  • Raj’ah

Return of the Prophet (SAW)

“Verily He Who ordained the Quran for thee, will bring thee back to the Place of Return”

(Al-Qasas: 85)

  • Wisiyyah
  • Hazrat Ali was nominated as successor by Prophet (SAW) and should be the Caliph.
  • First person to disrespect openly companions, Abu Bakr and Umar (RA).

The Province of Kufa

  • al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah
  • Became governor at the end of Umar (RA) reign.
  • Uthman (RA) appointed Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas in his place
  • His governorship of Kufah lasted for one year and a few months
  • Governorship was shared by Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas and Abd-Allah ibn Mas'ood
  • Sa’d led the prayer and was uncharged of troops
  • Mas’ood was incharged of Bait-ul-Mal
  • Difference aroused between them and Uthman (RA) dismissed Sa’d from his post.
  • The punishment for Sa'd was dismissal and the punishment for Ibn Mas'ood was leaving him in his post, as al-Tabari says.

The Province of Basra

  • Abd-Allah ibn Aamir
  • Utman (RA) introduce political changes in provincial administration
  • Troops of Oman and Bahrain under his control
  • Basra became an important administrative center.
  • Responsible for appointing governors under his authority.
  • Basra became famous its Bait-ul-Mal
  • People were happy with him despite the rumors that Uthman (RA) appointed him because he was his relative.

The Province of Basra

  • Abu Moosa al-Ash'ari
  • Governor of Umar (RA)
  • Greatest Islamic military centers
  • Umar (RA) instructions for the caliph who came after him to leave Abu Moosa in that post for four years after his death.
  • Basra played a prominent role in Jihad
  • Launched a campaign against the rebel and established Islam
  • Setting irrigation and digging channels during reign of Uthman (RA)
  • He was dismissed in 29 AH by Uthman (RA)
  • His successor was Abd-Allah ibn Aamir
  • Dismissal was honor for Moosa



The Province of Egypt


Acceptance and Implementation of Hazrat Umar's (RA) Policies

  • The siege was not severe at the start
  • Uthman (RA) led prayers in Prophet’s Mosque.
  • Uthman (RA) address the gathering

Obey Allah and their leader

Refrain from violence

Warned about conspiracies

Appealed to rebels to retire from Medina

Not support the rebels and support truth and justice

  • Supporters stood up but rebels forced them to sit down.
  • Rebels started threatening him.
  • Jamjah Ghaffan broke the stick of Uthman (RA)
  • Stones were thrown and hit Uthman (RA), he became unconscious.

  • After Friday prayer the household was strictly sieged as people of Medina were not showing support.
  • Umayyad and a few other supporters.

The siege included

Uthman (RA) was not allowed out of the premises

Prayers led by rebel leader Amir Ghafiqi

Forbade entry of food, provisions, water

Hazrat Umm Habiba brought water and provisions but was not allowed inside.

  • Approximately 20 days

  • Amr ibn al-'Aas
  • Governor of Egypt during the time of Umar (RA)
  • Ruled for four years.
  • He was the governor at the time of Umar’s (RA) death
  • Abd-Allah ibn Sa’d.
  • Helped Uthman (RA) during the start of Caliphate in Egypt.
  • Amr ib al-’Aas in conquest of Palestine and Egypt.
  • Appointed the governor of upper Egypt by Umar (RA)
  • Amr ibn al-'Aas insisted to dismiss him. Utman (RA) refused and instead dismissed him from post.
  • Byzantine
  • Launched a raid on Alexandria
  • Killed all the Muslims
  • Amr ibn al-Aas was commander of Egyptian army.
  • Ali (RA) accused him of lying and didn’t associate with him
  • Travelled to Basrah, Kufah, Syria and settled in Egypt
  • Two Quraysh joined the movement
  • Muhammad ibn Abu Hudhayfah
  • Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr
  • Allegiance was given to him on the basis of
  • Laws of Allah
  • Sunnah of His Messenger (SAW)
  • Policies of his two predecessors (Shaikhayn)
  • Hazrat Umar (RA) developed
  • Financial institutions
  • Laying down foundations
  • Establishing guidelines and principles
  • Increasing the sources of income
  • Setting out guidelines on expenditure

Acceptance of Islam

  • Thirty-four years old
  • Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq
  • Fourth man to embrace Islam

Ibn Ishaq said: "The first person

to become Muslim after Abu Bakr, 'Ali and Zayd ibn Harithah was 'Uthman"

al-Seerah al-Nabawiyyah by ibn Hisham, 1/287-289

The Province of Syria

  • Mu’awiyah was the governor.
  • Developments occurred and he added other areas and became governor of all of (greater) Syria.
  • Strongest governor of Uthman (RA)
  • At the beginning
  • Umayr ibn Sa’d al-Ansari was the governor of Homs, competed and lost.
  • He became sick and asked the Caliph to relieve him from duties.
  • Alqamah ibn Mahra
  • Governor of Palestine –died
  • Uthman (RA) passed his duties to Mu’awiyah
  • Syria came into his control two years after Uthman (RA) became Caliph.
  • Syria
  • Most events of Jihad
  • Internally stable
  • Still adjacent to Byzantine.
  • the way was open for Mu‘awiyah to engage in jihad in that direction




  • Abdullah bin Abbas was appointed as “Amir-ul-Hajj” and a letter was entrusted to him.
  • The letter

He did not ask for help

Discouraged violence with rebels

Maintain unity

He was concerned more for the welfare of the community and not his own safety

  • People dispersed after listening to the letter
  • By the time Abdullah b Abbas brought back the letter he was assassinated

Zia Misn’s “Othman bin Affan” and Taha Hussain’s “Othman”

Makkah Al-Mukarmmah

  • They advised Uthman (RA) to kill the rebels.
  • He disagreed with them as:

We will forgive them and inform them of our efforts

They will be punished if they commit a punishable crime or declare disbelief.

  • Mu’aawiyah offered:

Uthman (RA) should join him Syria

Send Syrian army

  • Why didn’t he accept the offer?

  • Companions advised to investigate into the rumors
  • Hazrat Uthman (RA) appointed

Muhammad b Masalma to Kufa

Usama b Zaid to Basra

Abdullah b Umar to Syria

Ammar b Yasir to Egypt

  • For conformation that the investigation results were true

Issued official announcement that everyone should present their complaints in Hajj of 655 CE

No one filed a complaint.

Policies Adopted by Hazrat Uthman (RA)

Hazrat Uthman (RA) Lineage


  • Uthman followed in their footsteps implementing the ruling of Allah on earth with regard to financial and other matters
  • Ijtihad
  • He supervised:
  • How Zakah was collected for the Bait al-Mal and how it was distributed
  • How the Ahl al-Kitab paid the jizyah to the Bait al-Mal
  • Security was provided to them
  • Made use of other public services
  • How the Mujihideen acquired booty and sent one-fifth of it (khums) to the Bait al-Mal
  • Distributed it to orphans, the poor, wayfarers

  • Born in
  • Makkah

Al-Isabah, 4/377, no. 5465

  • Al-Ta'if

'Uthman ibn 'Affan, by Sadiq 'Arjoon, p. 45

  • When Umar (RA) died, his governor in Makkah was Khalid ibn al-'Aas ibn Hisham
  • After Umar (RA) he was governor for an unknown time periods but Uthman (RA) dismissed him. There are no reports of his actions.

  • Uthman (RA) appointed
  • 'Ali ibn Rabee'ah ibn 'Abd al-'Uzza
  • Also Abd Allah ibn 'Amr al-Hadrami
  • Khalid ibn al-'Aas ibn Hisham second time.
  • And many others over Makkah

  • It was the center of the caliphate and delegations came there from various regions
  • It was a military center.
  • Senior Shabahs, Muhajireen, Ansari thus alike lived there.
  • Because of his position as caliph, Uthamn (RA) lived there
  • Ask about the prices of food

About how the people were

  • Uthman (RA) travelled for Hajj and appointed in his absence
  • Zayd ibn Thabit

Tareekh al-Madinah, 3/961,962 (reference)

Al-Wilayah 'ala al-Buldan, 1/168, 169 (reference)

Talreed Asma' as-Sahlibah, by Imam al-Dhahabl, p. 151


Makkah Al-Mukarmmah



  • Abd Allah ibn 'Amr al-Hadrami was the governor at the time of Utman (RA) death.
  • Ali dismissed him and appointed someone else.
  • Makkah enjoyed stability and peace
  • Shawwal
  • 1000 persons sent from Egypt to Medina.

4 groups

Disguised as pilgrims

  • Their plan:

Mention their own believes to Caliph.

Return to the people and claim he admitted those believes and did not give them up or repent.

Dress as pilgrims, besiege his house and tell him to stand down.

If he doesn’t we kill him.

  • Most revolt was in Egypt so Uthman (RA) called governor of Egypt, Abdullah Ibn Sa’ad, to Medina to discuss matter.
  • In his absence
  • Left power with his deputy
  • Muhammad b Abu Hudhayfa captured Egypt
  • Abdullah Ibn Sa’ad returned to Egypt
  • Failed to recapture Egypt
  • Retired to Ramlah

Distinguishing Fact of Hazrat Uthman (RA) and other Khalifah's Financial Policies

  • Connected to Islam and implementation of Islamic teachings
  • Protection of sources of income
  • Public expenditure aimed at supporting the message of Islam and the good of the Muslims.
  • Wise spending
  • Forbid extravagance and fight against it, for Allah does not love the extravagant
  • Islam also forbids the foolish from having control of the public wealth
  • The public income should be from halal sources
  • Some income is to be spent on those who need it most among the people

Nihayat al-lrb fi Funoon al-Adab by al-Nuwayri, 2/72

Al-Wilayah ‘ala al-Buldan fi 'Asr al-khulafa al-Rashideen, by Dr. 'Abd-Allah al- 'Umari, 1/166

Al-Wilayah 'ala al-Buldan, 1/167

Attributes of Hazrat Uthman (RA)


  • Dhun Nurain (The Man/Possessor of Two Lights)
  • Ruqayyah (RA)
  • Umm Kulthoom (RA)
  • Ghani (Generous)
  • Freeing wells for Muslims
  • Freeing slaves every Friday
  • Provided
  • 200 saddles camels
  • 200 ounces gold
  • 1000 dinars
  • 900 equipped camels

(Mubārakfūrī, 2002)


  • Mubārakfūrī, S. (2002). Ar-Raheeq Al-Mak̲h̲tūm =. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.)
  • Muhammad, T., Ibn Kathir, I., Tabari, Sutuyi, Abu Al-Yazid, N., Kamara, M., & McEwan, J. (2001). Biographies of the rightly-guided caliphs. El-Mansurah, Egypt: Dar Al-Manarah.
  • Ashraf, S. (2004). Encyclopaedia of Holy Prophet and companions. New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd.
  • Ayoub, M. (2003). The crisis of Muslim history. Oxford: Oneworld.
  • Nasr, S. (2003). Islam. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.
  • Musa Ash’an, governor of Kufah, was a nominee of rebels

  • Abdullah b Aamir, governor of Basra, left for Hajj

  • Thus Egypt, Kufa, and Basra were cut off from Uthman’s caliphate

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