Result of War in Cuba?
Before Spanish-American War
- Iron and Coal industry increased
- Higher wages and Employment increased
- Higher Prices -- Poor got pooer, Rich got Richer
- Moment when Spain surrenders, US will come in and take over
- Cuban Constitutional Convention
- US duty to lift them up
- Filipinos were savages and uncivilized
- McKinely's sign from God
- 1899, Revolt against American Rule
- Stepping Stone to China - "The Pacific is our ocean..."
How did the Filipinos respond to the US desicion to take over their country? What about the Anti-Imperialists in the US?
Key Points
- Spanish-American War
- Cuba
- Teller Amendment
- Platt Amendment
- Phillippines
- Open Door Policy
- Racism
Teller Amendment
- This amendment forbid the US from annexing, getting complete control, or governing the island of Cuba.
" It was initiated and supported by those people who were interested in Cuban independence and opposed American imperialism, and also by business people who saw the "open door" as sufficient and military intervention unecessary." - Zinn
- Cubans fight for their independence from Spain for 3 years
- Independence not in the cards
- US battleship Maine
- President McKinely demands war
Do you believe it was ethically correct for the US to interevene in Cuba?
Zinn Chapter 12: The Empire and The People
- US duty to lift them up
- Filipinos were savages and uncivilzed
- McKinley's sign from God
How did the Flipinos respond to the US decision to take over thier country?
a policy of extending a country's power and influence through military force or diplomacy
Was the Teller Amendment honored by the US?
- During Philippie War
- "On avergae, every week, two Negroes were lynched by mobs- hanged, burned, mutulated." - Zinn
- Filipinos were strange to the Americans -- led to brutality in the natives
- "....there was the simple need to get ahead in a society where opportunities for success were denied the black man, and the military life gave such possibilities."
the policy of territorial or economic expansion
Result of Spanish-American War
What is it?
- Teller Amendement: This amendment forbade the US from annexing or governing the island of Cuba, and Cuba could not become a US territory
- "It was intitated and supported by those people who were interes in Cuban independece and opposed to American imperialism, and also by business people who saw the "open door" as suffiecent and military intervention unecessary"
By: Deanna and Maitri
Platt Amendment
Open Door Policy
"It was a more sophisticated approach to imperialism..." - Zinn
- After American victory in the war, the Teller Amendment was succeeded by the Platt amendment.
This amendment gave the US the ability to nix treaties with other countries, intervene when they thought it was necessary and gave them a naval base in Guantanamo Bay.
- "For the Untied States to reserve to itself the power to determine when this indepence was threatened and when, therefore, it should intervene to preserve it, is equvialent to handing over the keys to our house so that they can enter it any time, whenever the desire seizes them, day or night, whether with good or evil design" -- Black Delegate from Santiago, Zinn
- Third Party: Business Communities
- US interest in China after gaining the Philippines - "Stepping Stone"
- This later became a dominant theme of American foreign policy in the 20th century