Jordan Baker
Nick Carraway
Tom Buchanan
Myrtle Wilson
Daisy Buchanan
Jay Gatsby
George Wilson
in revenge due to his belief that Gatsby killed his wife
when it was really Daisy Buchanan
The great Gatsby Character relationship chart
"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
By Kailey Smith
Friend\Acquaintance/Some sort of relationship-
Love Interest-
Who killed-
Nick Carraway
- Narrator
- Cousins with Daisy
- Has a very laid back, calm mood about everything
- Takes a liking to Jordan Baker
- Lives in West Egg (neighbors with Jay Gatsby)
- One of Gatsby's friends
Daisy Buchanan
- Nick's Cousin
- Very beautiful
- Used to the high life or life of riches
- Married to Tom with children
- Very spontaneous and compulsive
- Has a history with Jay Gatsby
- Funny, jokes often
- Killed Myrtle Wilson in a car accident
- Has Gatsby and Tom fighting over her, but she loves Gatsby more
Tom Buchanan
- Married to Daisy with Children
- Very prideful and ignorant
- Cheating on Daisy with woman in New York
- Has no idea Daisy is not interested but he still cheats
- He loves Daisy even though he cheats on her openly
Jay Gatsby
is romantically interested in
- Throws incredible parties
- Seems very mysterious, no one really knows what he does so they tend to rumor about him
- He is incredibly extravagant with his parties, guests and overall lifestyle
- Absolutely in love with Daisy
- Nick and him are relatively close friends
- Owned and was in the car Daisy drove when she killed Myrtle Wilson
- He was shot by Mr. Wilson in revenge
Mr. George Wilson
- His wife (Mrytle Wilson was killed in a car accident
- He took his revenge in the form of shooting Gatsby in his pool
- He had a strong love for his wife
Jordan Baker
- tennis player
- Gatsby takes a liking to her as a friend
- Her and Nick have an off-and-on relationship
- She and Daisy are really close friends