Global Challenges
Promises and Peril of the 21st Century
We Live in a Globalized World
What will shape the world you live in?
What impact will these 7 Revolutions have?
What is globalization?
- the increasing interconnectedness of the world
We will see 4 Mega (major) Trends result
- Individual Empowerment
- Diffusion of Power
- Shifting Demographic Patterns
- Growing Food, Water, Energy Nexus
The Seven Revolutions
- areas of change that will have most impact on what the world will look like in 2035
1. Population
2. Resources
3. Technology
4. Information
5. Economics
6. Conflict
7. Governance
Consider these quotes
It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity. --Kofi Annan
Globalization is not a monolithic force but an evolving set of consequences - some good, some bad and some unintended. It is the new reality. --John B. Larson
Accordingly, globalization is not only something that will concern and threaten us in the future, but something that is taking place in the present and to which we must first open our eyes. --Ulrich Beck
Shifting Demographic Patterns
Growing Food, Water, and Energy Nexus
Diffusion of Power
Individual Empowerment
Demand for food will increase 35-50%
- More people
- Growing middle class = growing consumption
Growth in global population:
- from 7 billion now to 8.3 billion by 2030
4 Major Demographic Changes:
- Aging
- Migration
- Urbanization
- Growth
States will no longer dominate
- hegemony: dominance or leadership of one country over others
- US will no longer lone Superpower
- China's and others can challenge power of the US
- Asia will be more powerful than the US and Europe
Individuals will become more powerful through:
- better education
- better healthcare
- less people in poverty (a growing middle class)
Supply of Food affected by:
- Climate Change
- Needed as fuel (ethanol)
- Aging: more young people = more workers
- Migration: brings labor, skills, ideas
- Urbanization: economic activity
- expanding economy
- more developing countries
- new communications technology
- Planning and coordination will prevent shortages--Global Effort
What could result? Promise or Peril?
- World economy will depend more on developing countries than the West
- Definition of "power" will change
- Governments must work together to acheive goals
- Individuals and groups have more access to destructive technologies
- Ability to commit large-scale acts of violence
- Aging: older population less workers, drain on gov.
- Migration: controlling borders
- Urbanization: strain on resources
- Growth: more people and unchanging resource supply
- Some areas will be hit harder by resource shortages
- Conflict over scarce resources