top 11 Facebook Tips
Albert Kaufman
Who am I? Albert Kaufman - local social networking and email marketing teacher and business owner -
I teach classes and consult with small businesses
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Do not be afraid to be weird
- It's really OK to be yourself
- It's OK to experiment
- It's OK to make mistakes
- It's OK to try things
- Don't wait until everything is perfect to share your brilliance
What does Constant Contact offer?
Lots, and more each day
- make your newsletter social
- tying social to your newsletter
- Re-use content on all platforms
Yes, there are other social networks
yes, they are important, too
so far, they are not nearly as compelling
as Facebook - Esp. for small business
marketing = Targeted Advertising
Thanks for coming!
and thanks to Constant Contact for having me here today!
Social Sharing: a way to engage your FB audience – give them something in exchange for their email address (which is important to get in order to move a casual connection on FB into a potential customer/client/member through email)
Tools that can help
FB Purity - Customize your face
enables reaching all SN at once
woobox, 22signals, Join My List
design apps
Where is help? Here is help!
There are tutors
there are on-line tutorials
I teach classes
I work with people one-on-one
or, in small groups
Contact me at or
visit my website at
and, on Facebook, of course
Don't be afraid to hire someone to help you get started.
With some practice much of it will get easier
It's OK to ask for help
Saving time is key
- Make the settings, layouts, and anything you can possibly customize - exactly right up front and you will save hours of time
- Examples: Account Settings/Notifications
Here's a chance to be YOU
This is something that is still relatively new
there are very few experts
it's your chance to share who you are - be creative
You're welcome to post questions on the wall of my business page is best way to reach me
And, know that what's true today, may not be tomorrow, so again - get used to change
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Facebook changes rapidly
It has bells, whistles and ch ch ch changes!
examples: timeline, offers,
PHOTO ALBUMS - highest form of engagement, videos, images, THEN.. text only - more engagement = higher edgerank =
Learn to surf the changes not fight them
The better you learn it, the more effective
your efforts will be
If you don't know it well, you'll get frustrated - take the time to learn Facebook and you'll be rewarded
Why is Facebook important?
2.3 Billion users + More Each Day!
Easy platform for reaching a targeted audience
Great way to engage customers
Easy to use (for some easier than others)
Has everyones' attention right now
Is integrating more and more into peoples' work/lives
Advertising Part 1: Boosting Posts
Advertising Part 2 - Facebook Advertising!
Constant Contact Social Campaign on Facebook Page