Upper Cervical History
- 1930 - Spring
- B.J. proclaimed "the principle of HIO"
- "There could be only one place in the spinal column that a subluxation could exist:
Occipito-atlantal-axial region"
Grostic Procedure
- Fellow of the Institute for Chiropractic Research 1981
- Private practice in Orlando, FL
- Florida State Peer Review Committee (appointed by Govenor)
Grostic Procedure
- Utilizes the mechanical advantage obtained by the toggle mechanism
- This puts the vertebra into motion
- After obtaining motion -- the vertebra recoils and continues in motion
- oscillates until it rests in its appropriate position
- This position is predetermined by the patient's innate intelligence
Toggle Recoil -
How the Adjustment Works
HIO - Toggle
Grostic History
- John F. Grostic
- Born October 9, 1907
- Chiropractic Degree
- March 19, 1933
- Married Grace Johnson
- August 23, 1933
History & Philosophy
History cont.
- First "Official" class was in October 1946
- Awarded the first Daniel David Palmer Scientific Award in 1964
- Passed away 7 months later with a heart attack
Grostic History
- Invited to speak at Lyceum
- One of eleven founding members of the Palmer Standardized Chiropractic Council
- Chiropractors started seeking his help with x-rays and analysis
Grostic Procedure
Pre-Grostic Procedure days:
- Practiced in Ann Arbor, MI
- In a second story downtown building (no elevator)
- Three cubicles with a table and neurocalograph
- Hodgkin's returned
- In 1935, after a hit in the neck area with part of the x-ray machine
- Sought care from other chiroprators with no results.
- The development of the technique took time.
- It started with the slope of the occipital condyles and articular survaces of the axis.
- Continued with developing the analysis, and patient placement of the film
Pre-chiropractic days
- Salesman/manager of Holden's (men's clothing store in Ypsilanti, MI
- Diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease 1929
- A chiropractor in the same building recommended that he go to Davenport
- Decided to become a chiropractor
Procedure cont.
- Dr. John F. Grostic developed supine leg check, which is still used today by different techniques.
- The Adjustment has changed over the years.
- The force of the thrust was reduced.
Film analysis has remained essentially unchanged since 1957
General Procedure Steps
Determine the Presence of a Subluxation
Specific Equipment Needed
1) Supine leg Length Check
2) Instrumentation
3) Visual / Postural Analysis
4) Palpation - Static / Motion
5) Scanning Palpation
Grostic History
Dr. John D. Grostic
Best known for his development of the Dentate ligament theory
Conversion of analysis to equations
Pre-chiropractic days
- Worked in his father's practice developing x-rays at the age of 8
- Helped with the seminars
- ICA's Chiropractor of the Year 1994
- Orthospinology's Chiropractor o the Year 1995
- Fellow in the Palmer Academy of Chiropractic 2002
- Attended lyceum as "family vacations"
- Attended Eastern Michigan University
- His father passed when he was 21 yrs. old.
- Graduated from Palmer in 1969
- Practiced in Ann Arbor, MI
- Started presenting Grostic seminars in 1972
- Fellow of the International Chiropractic Association 1975
- Taught at PCC in Davenport from 1977-1983
- On April 30, 1992 testified before the Military Personnel and Compensation Subcommittee to support H.R. 608
- Involved in the development of the World Health Organization
- Director of Research at Life College of Chiropractic until his death in 1995
Orthogonal Organizations
History cont.
- Joined Life College of Chiropractic 1986
- Chairman of National Board Question Committee for Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions
History cont.
Chiropractic days
PCCF Upper Cervical Club
Meeting Time and Locations
Mondays @ 9:30 in Room 2275
- X-ray analysis and positioning
Wednesdays @ 1:30 in Room 2225
- Presentation of Research
- Practice with Coordinators, Titron, Leg Check, and Patient placement.
Also made with a rubber toilet plunger