Inner Beauty vs. Outer Beauty
My Survey Questions
My Research Question:
How Do Mountwest Students Define Beauty?
By: Amber Washburn
General Psychology
Professor: Candace Layne
1) Age?
2) Gender?
3) Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior?
4) Are you in a relationship? Yes No
5) If you answered yes to the above question, what first attracted you to your significant other?
6) Do you consider yourself beautiful/handsome? Yes No
7) Why or why not?
8) What traits attract you to a potential partner?
9) Have you ever purchased something because an advertisement promised it would make you beautiful, stronger, thinner, etc? Yes No
10) Have you ever purchased something because you found a celebrity/model/spokesperson in the advertisement attractive? Yes No
11) Which of the following qualities do you find most attractive? Check any that apply.
o Nice body
o Cute smile
o Nice eyes
o Good hair
o Nice behind/rear
o Intelligence
o Sense of humor
o Confidence
o Common interests
o Good Attitude
12) Do you feel that others see you as beautiful/handsome? Yes No
13) Why or why not?
14) What is your definition of beauty?
Subjects consisted of:
Worldwide Male Beauty Standards
- Both males and females
- 28 females and 9 males
- Males ranging in age from 19-28
- Females ranging in age from 18-59
- Participants were Freshmen, Sophomores, and Seniors at Mountwest
- The number of men's beauty products increased by over 70% between 2012 and 2014
- American men face media pressure to have a perfect, muscular body
- Men who identify with Mexican culture value more "macho" behavior
- Cosmetic surgery among men is becoming more common in Brazil and South Korea
- In India, skin lightening creams are growing in popularity among men
Based on prior research, my guess is that Mountwest students define beauty based mostly on physical appearance.
My hypothesis was correct. Mountwest students define beauty based mostly on outer appearance
- Only 4% of women worldwide consider themselves beautiful (was just 2% in 2004)
- 72% of girls feel a lot of pressure to be beautiful
- 80% of women say that every woman has something about her that is beautiful but they do not see this in themselves
- Only 11% of girls around the world would use the word beautiful to describe themselves
- 54% of women globally say that when it comes to how their looks, they are their own worst critic
Behind what women see every day.
Both men and women are made to feel held to impossible standards.
For all ages, races, and genders, a perfect complexion is usually a myth in magazines, ads, etc.
Skin tone may also be changed.
- 44.4% of males were in a relationship
- 75% were attracted to both outer and inner traits
- 25% were attracted to their partner's appearance
Data continued...
- 53.6% of females were in a relationship
- 68.4% were attracted to their partner's inner traits
- 21% were attracted to outer traits
- 10.5% were attracted to both inner and outer traits
Subjects felt they were not beautiful because of
- Appearance
- Lack of interest from others
- Just do not feel beautiful
Older celebrities and models are given a more youthful appearance.
- 66.7% of males considered themselves handsome
- 42.9% because of appearance
- 42.9% inner traits
- 14.3% were told they are
- 14.3% felt that everyone is
- 14.3% did not answer
- 53.6% of females considered themselves beautiful
- 33.3% because of inner traits
- 22.2% appearance
- 22.2% comfortable with themselves
- 16.7% were told they are
- 16.7% gave no answer
- 11.1% felt that everyone is
The majority of females said they defined beauty by inner traits while the majority of males defined beauty as both inner and outer traits combined
Both males and females said that physical appearance is important in a relationship
Men's bodies are "beefed up" to look more muscular.