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Social Entrepr. ≠ Social Business ≠ Fairtrade ≠ CSR ≠ BOP
Which problem do you want to solve?
Rainforest expeditions
Source: Rosa María Fuchs, María Ángela Prialé y Susy Caballero, Empresas sociales como catalizadores del
desarrollo en las regiones del Perú, Universidad del Pacifico
Lodges owned by the local community
3D printing for amputees
Solar power
where there is no electricity
African Solar Rise
Issues: no saving to buy solar products; distribution (in Africa)
- loans
- "pay as you go"
servicio de saneamiento básico a las familias que carecen de sistemas de drenaje en Lima Metropolitana, a través de la instalación de sanitarios secos y portátiles. Se cobra un precio razonable por el servicio, soporte técnico, materiales y recogida de residuos, que luego son objeto de compostaje en su centro de operaciones.
Alerta project
Voxiva + Peru Ministry of Health
-microchip embedded in the solar energy system
-prepaid system activates/deactivates
-Once fully paid, the systems unlock permanently
Founded in 1976 has both pioneered the development of micro-finance
Problem: traditional banks refused to grant loans to the poor without collateral.
Grameen Bank gives loans to over 7.5 million poor people-97 percent of whom are women
Grameen group has created nearly 30 businesses designed to alleviate poverty
(Grameenphone, GrameenVeolia, GrameenDanone)
for disease surveillance application:
- reaching remote areas
- faster and more precise data collection
taller de capacitación profesional con el objetivo de apoyar a jóvenes mujeres internadas en el Hogar Santa Rosa
How it works:
-Groups of 5 women neighbor but not relatives => receive the loan as a joint liability group
- Repay weekly
If one member cannot pay, the other members will have to pay
Fondazione Diamante
, Switzerland
Yunus, M., Moingeon, B., & Lehmann-Ortega, L. (2010). Building social business models: lessons from the Grameen experience. Long range planning, 43(2), 308-325.
Bresciani, S. & Eppler, M.J. (2014). Visualizing Social Enterprises: A Guiding Framework and Applications in the Context of Water Solutions. In: Y. Sanchez & R. Gutiérrez (Eds), Social Entrepreneurship for Water & Energy Solutions.
Prahalad, C. K., & Hammond, A. (2002). Serving the world's poor, profitably. Harvard Business Review, 80(9), 48-59.
Development Impact & You. Practical Tools to Trigger & Support Social Innovation. Nesta. Available online at:
Gino, F., & Staats, B. R. (2012). The microwork solution. Harvard Business Review, 90(12), 92.
Suggested optional readings:
Burket I. (2012) Using the Business Model Canvas for Social Enterprise Design. Knode.
Fairbourne, J. S. (2006). Microfranchising: a new tool for creating economic self-reliance. Journal of Microfinance/ESR Review, 8(1), 18-23.
Employ 300 people with disabilities
Different types of jobs + hostel + therapies
1. collects food waste from restaurants and wholesalers
2. composts the waste into potting soil
3. sell it for $8.50 a bag in nurseries and garden stores
Ingenimed diseña, produce y comercializa equipos de fototerapia de luz azul llamados “NEOLED”, un tratamiento de alta calidad y coste-efectivo para la ictericia neonatal. -
Restaurants and catering
Food production
Business Processes
Aproximadamente el 50% de los recién nacidos tiene alguna incidencia de ictericia neonatal y de entre el 4% y el 6% desarrolla ictericia patológica. En 2013, unos 41,000 niños requirieron tratamiento de fototerapia por este mal. Si no se trata adecuadamente, la ictericia puede causar problemas neurológicos permanentes. La tecnología disponible para el tratamiento de las zonas rurales es inadecuada
Grameen Foundation's Village Phone project, provides villagers with a microcredit loan to purchase a mobile phone, a booster antenna, cables and a recharging unit. The owner can then charge others in the community for use of the phone on a pay-per-call basis. The income pays off the loan and, in many cases, turns a profit
Honey Care, Africa
Robin Hood model
Pay if successful
Evaluation Criteria:
Develop a SE project with the tools presented in class -> develop a SE or be a consultant for an existing SE
& present the outcome the last day of the course.
The evaluation is based on a group project:
- 50% Presentation the last day of the course - 10 minutes per group, plus Q&A.
To be delivered by email to
- 50% Written report of max. 1000 words + images
To be delivered by email to before November 30th.
Language: The assignments can be written and presented in Spanish or English.
Base/Bottom of the Pyramid
Replication of a proven business system to alleviate poverty = reduced risk & faster growth
Aravind eye care
Particularly useful for the poor:
1. don't have basic knowledge/training/access to sourcing
2. provide jobs
3. Serve the poor with goods/services
Legal format: Is a SE a...
- for-profit business?
- a non-for-profit (NGO/charity/foundation)?
When is a NGO a SE?
Fundación Paraguaya
Social Finance UK
Social Impact Bond, also known as a Pay for Success Bond, is a contract with the public sector in which a commitment is made to pay for improved social outcomes that result in public sector savings.
The expected public sector savings are used as a basis for raising investment for prevention and early intervention services that improve social outcomes
A social business is....
Kit de lentes - partnership with VisionSpring
=> provide local vendors with “a business in a box,” each containing 12 pairs of glasses of varying magnification, cases, strings, booklets, and a briefcase.
- buy the kit for $44
receive training.
The women earn
about $4.44 per sale
Product distribution
Rural Supply chain
Training of a women health franchisee at each village cluster
Looks familiar?
En el Peru:
Videos (i., with Premiere)
HTML5 / Java
Spacedeck (online whiteboard)
debategraph (arg maps)
Piktochart, Venngage (infographs)
compedium (arg mapping)
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator
Timetoast (timelines) (edu)
Your SE experience
mindjet (mindmap)
Scojo Foundation, New York
Source: Susy CABALLERO, Rosa María FUCHS and María Angela PRIALÉ, La influencia de los rasgos de la personalidad en la creación de una empresa social: El caso de los emprendedores sociales peruanos, Universidad del Pacífico
objects (i.e., legos)
- Novel visual approach to understand the core concepts and building blocks of Social Entrepreneurship
- Development of a social project plan
- Experience visual tools to develop entrepreneurial ideas
(beyond the business plan)
Sticky notes
map the business model
I was involved with...
I heard about...
Benefits of the offering
Key idea in context
Problem and
key innovative idea
Rollout steps for the
development of the idea
Benefits of the innovation
and instruction
Numbers related to the
venture's social
(Potential) developments, achievement and scaling mechanisms
Investors and partners
Managers, investors
and entrepreneurs
(Potential) beneficiaries,
users and customers
Entrepreneurs and
consultants or partners
Entrepreneurs co-workers
and partners
Public, partners, media,
second-tier investors/grant agencies
Timelines and Gannt charts
System mapping,
sketches and
creativity templates
Charts, dashboards
and assessment templates
Diagrams, videos
and visual storytelling
Scenario drawings
and infographics
diagrams, objects and
i.e. Social Enterprise Model Canvas
To forecast and coordinate work
Sketchiness invites modifications
To provide clear communication to non-experts
To visualize performances
Understandable and appealing visuals
that can go viral
To make the business idea structured
and comprehensive
To offer a synthetic visual explanation
and prompt emotional response
Poster, software
Paper, sticky-notes, flipchart or whiteboard
Slides, poster, brochure, websites
Posters, real life objects, interactive simulations
Videos and presentations on social media
Large poster or dedicated software/application
Information visualization tools:
Manyeyes (
Software for creating infographics: Inkscape (,GIMP (
Software: Adobe Illustrator, Piktochart,,, Vengagge
Sofware for creating timelines:
Google Calendar, Officetimeline, Gantt Project (, Timetoast
Prezi (presentations), Windows Movie Maker
(free on Windows), Adobe Premiere (videos),
Diagrammer, Storehouse, Flash (animations)
Step 1:
Water purifier by Helioz
Data Visualization Tools
for creating graphs, Gantt charts, diagrams, calendars/schedulers, mapping, pivot tables, sparklines, etc.
Any problem?
Step 2: Analyze the context & develop ideas
Application: Many Eyes (IBM)
Typical process
“Even if the plan is useless, planning is crucial”
Main added value:
Phaal, R., Muller, G., Toward Visual Strategy: An Architectural Framework for Roadmapping, Proceedings of PICMET 2007: Portland, Oregon, USA, 2007
Source: Beeton D.A., Exploratory Roadmapping for Sector Foresight, PhD dissertation in Engineering, University of Cambridge
Source: Environmental Protection Agency & Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, September 2001, ETH Zurich
Allianz selling life insurances in India
"Commit to Impact, Not the Project"
For more creativity methods see:
Kumar V. (2013) 101 Design Methods. Wiley
Step 3: Select ideas
Nemo. Found.
Triple bottom line scorecard
Do you need to return
the funding?
How much
will they give?
With interests/
Haba model of assessment
by Amelia Aromir, Henrique Borges, Henrique Alves and Marie Helbich-Poschacher
3F: Family, friends, fool
yes /no
usually a small amount
small to medium amount
i.e., Ashoka, Acumen, Skoll Foundation...
Review & Refine ideas (=ask feedback)
Threads of freedom
Step 4: Prototype
small shares can add up
to considerable amounts
i.e., Kickstarter, Kiva, changagent,
usually not
Impact funding
large amounts (millions $)
for significant returns
i.e., Ignia Fund (focused on Latin America),
World cafe
let's focus
Fo a comprehensive list see: