Water and Dry Ice
If I can create a dry ice bubble and it burst into fog then I can prove that sublimation process works.
My hypothesis is that when I put dry ice in the water it will then accelerate into the sublimation process, creating clouds of fog that fill up the dry ice bubble until the pressure becomes too much and the bubble will explode, spilling fog over the edge of the bowl.
Background Research
Source 1, www.sciencekids.co.nz
This website helped me learn exactly what a Dry Ice Bubble is and also taught me that the process of dry ice is called sublimation.
Source 2, dryicenetwork.com
I was able to get a better understanding of how to do this experiment. And also get a great video example.
Preparing Bowl
Form Bubble
What is the purpose of this experiment?
This experiment is to test sublimation. Sublimation is a process of transformation directly from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase.
What question are you trying to answer by performing this experiment?
Is it possible for dry ice to change directly from a solid to a gas without ever being a liquid.
Dry Ice Bubble
Santana Bingham
How will the knowledge from this experiment be helpful to other scientists and your community?
7th Grade
My community and scientists could see and learn sublimation occurring with their own eyes!
Science Teacher - John Roberts
Background Research
Source 3, dictionary.com
I got a much more detailed definition of sublimation and subliming.
Source 4 , chemistry.about.com
Another resource I was about to get a better understanding of the definition of sublimation.
Background Research
Source 5, windows2universe.org
I learned about different examples on sublimation and got an even better understanding from the examples given.