We shall overcome !!
This is what the freedom riders sang as they traveled on the buses . As the went through their journey , they recited:
We shall overcome, we shall over come ,we shall over come , we shall over come oh deep in my heart ( I know that ) I do believe (oh _) we shall overcome some day .
Image of Freedom Riders
The Freedom who?
The freedom riders were a group of civil right activist. A freedom rider was an individual who cared enough about the struggle to secure civil rights for all Americans. They were willing to spend some time and money, to submit to the discipline and strain of non violence action.Also they had to risk the chance of getting arrested and killed.People became freedom riders mainly to express their solidarity with their southern negro brothers and sisters.
Freedom Riders continued ...
The Freedom Riders started out with just 13 african american and white civil rights activist ( 7 blacks , 6 whites). They rode series of buses like the ( grey hound), through the south so that they can protest in a non violence way segregation.CORE, also played a role in the Freedom Riders movement they were supporters in what the Freedom Riders wanted to portray. While traveling in the south the Freedom Riders tried to use the whites only bathroom , water fountains, and they tried to sit and order in the whites only restaurants.The Freedom Riders actions brought them many world wide attraction. They became popular , their cause became popular. Although they were getting all these popularity they were also enduring alot of violence.
Freedom Riders in Brooklyn New york
The Freedom Riders
Freedom Riders in Battery park
To wrap it all up...
Struggles Freedom Riders
Many Freedom Riders were brutally beaten
Freedom riders had a 24hr fast in battery park " FAST FOR FREEDOM".300 members from CORE supported the demonstration on Liberty Island where the statue of liberty stood. It was exactly a 20 minutes boat rude from battery park were the freedom riders took their grounds.
many people doubted the fact that riders would stay the whole 24hr due to the circumstances (NO FOOD). The " fast for freedom" was almost over when freedom riders were told they needed permission to stay in the park over night. However with the help of CORE. they managed to get approval.
The Freedom Riders were a group of civil right activists who were fightimg for civil rights for all americans.During their fight for equality they were supported by organizations like CORE, CORE I believed played a major role in the Freedom Riders accomplishing everything that they have today . Today we african americans are no longer facing discrimination. Both white and black people can ride on the same bus, eat in the same restaurants, and go to the same school.
One of many actions taken to help fight for African Americans rights
The organization that was in the middle of the movement
- Political movement fighting for equal rights
- fighting for equal access and rights of a U.S citizen and many privileges
- The civil rights movement occurred in the 1960's
- African Americans were the ones who were fighting for their rights.
Congress of Racist Equality
Its a go for non-violence
- CORE was formed in Chicago in 1942
- April 9,1947 CORE began its journey for fighting against segregation laws
- CORE struggled to survive in the 1950's
- CORE sponsored major campaigns against many business.
- CORE had a mixture of many people they had African Americans, Jews, etc.( interracial group)
- CORE was committed to a philosophies of nonviolence
- CORE was located at 662 Classon avenue Brooklyn , Newyork
How did CORE play a role in the Freedom Riders Movements
- CORE organized many freedom Ride movements
- CORE sponsored and supported the Freedom Riders.
- CORE had a 24 hour period from August 12-13 it was called a day of fast for freedom
- Core urged freedom loving New yorkers to join they had to refrain from eating food , and they had to be with CORE throughout their protesting.