People are often reinforced for modeling the behavior of others. Bandura suggested that the environment also reinforces modeling.
This is in several possible ways:
Contemporary social learning
perspective of reinforcement & punishment
Focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context. People learn from one another such as observational learning, imitation and modeling.
People can Learn by observing the behavior
of others & the outcomes of those behavior.
Learning can occur without a change in
Cognition plays a role in learning.
Social Learning theory can be considered a bridge or a Transition between behaviorist learning theories & cognitive learning theories.
Contemporary Theory proposes that both reinforcement and punishment have indirect effects on learning.
Reinforcement & punishment influence the extent to which and individual
exhibits a behavior that has been learned.
The expectation of reinforcement influences cognitive processes that promote learning.
The observer is reinforced by the model.
The observer is reinforced by the third person
The imitated behavior itself leads to reinforcing consequences. Many behaviors that we learn from others produce satisfying or reinforcing results.
Consequences of the model's behavior affect the observer's behavior vicariously.
Reinforcement not essential for learning
Tolman concluded that reinforcement is not essential for learning, although it provides an incentive for performance.
The concept of intervening variable
Learning is influenced by expectations, perception, representation, needs and other internal variables like hunger.
Latent Learning
Learning that remains or stays
with the individual until needed.
Tolman's Purposive Behaviorism
Cognitive Map
Organisms select shortest way or
easiest path to achieve a goal.
Referred to as Sign Learning Theory.
Learning is a Cognitive process.
Learning is always purposive and
goal- directed
organism acted or respond for some adaptive purpose.
Individuals do more than merely respond to stimuli,
they act on beliefs, attitudes, changing conditions,
and they strive toward goals.
Tolman saw behavior as Holistic,
Purposive & Cognitive.
Tolman stated in his sign theory,
that an organism learns by pursuing signs to a goal, such as, learning is acquired through meaningful behavior.
Tolman said that a new stimulus
(the sign) becomes associated with
already meaningful stimuli (significate)
through a series of pairings;
there was no need for reinforcement
in order to establish learning.
Tolman’s Key Concept