Western Music History Timeline
By Ji Hoon Kim
Types of Western Ancient Music
1750 ~ 1820
BC 1200 ~ AD 500
1400 ~ 1600
1900 ~ 1960
- Ancient Greece
- Ancient Rome
- Early Christian
Musical Elements
Famous Composers
Two Types of Ancient Music
Important Events
- Haydn
- Mozart
- Beethoven
The Renaissance is the period of great artistic resurgance for all of Europe. During this time, art starts to break out of traditional church methods and styles and artists of all kinds started to compose and paint things that had never been imagined before.
- Ancient music is music that is developed in literature culture after a prehistoric music. Ancient western music is refers to music system that is developed from Greece and Rome. Ancienct music has a characteristic of using basic notes and scales. People predict that it is transmitted through oral or written systems.
A new rhythm figure is introduced for each new section, either an imitation point, a new line of text, or a new variation.
- Most of the bowed strings
- Most of the woodwinds
- Most of the brass instruments
- Most of the keyboard instruments
- Most of the guitar family
- Most of the percussion instruments
Rome defeated Greece and adopter their culture, especially musical culture.
BC 1000
Greek absorbed other musical elements from earlier cultures (made them more classical and romantic)
subjectivity, emotional abandoned, sensuality
Modern music is type of musics that we can see these days. Some musician historian consider the Modern Era to have ended in approximately 1930. It is the final developed music as time passed from Ancient Western music.
objectivity of expression, simplicity, clarity (liked Kithara, type of lyre)
Classical music is art music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western music. It encompasses a broad period from roughly the 11th century to the present day. The term "classical music" did not appear until the early 19th century, in an attempt to distinctly "canonize", which is a metaphorical extension of religious concept and use it to develop the music.
Western Renaissance Music
Western Classical Music
Modern Western Music
Music of Ancient Rome
Music of Ancient Greece
Two Types of Renaissance Music
Musical Elements
Famous Composers
Musical Elements
Ancient Greek Composers
- Athenaeus
- Limenius
- Mesomedes
- Rhythmic Complexity
- Fludity
- Hypnotic Repetition (sleepy repetition)
Secular Music
Sacred Music
Many rhythms at single movement. Different types of rhythm for each movement. Strong feeling of pulse.
- John Coolidge Adams
- Claude Bolling
- Elliot Cook Cartner Jr.
- Gordon Shi-wen Chin
Non religious music. This was some of the first music ever made that was not created purely to praise the gods.
Music controlled, performed by and written for the church. The songs were performed in cathedrals and praised gods or told stories of their great feats.
- Instruments that are used in band music
- Woodwinds (flutes, horns)
- Percussion Instruments
- Stringed instruments (piano, hapsichord)
1820 ~ 1900
500 ~ 1400
1600 ~ 1750
Two Types of Medieval Music
Music Elements
Cantus Firmus
Unity of rhythm over a whole movement. Strong feeling of pulse. Movement was defined by certain rhythmic pattern in particular metres.
- Invented Bass Tuba
- Oboe is modified by Charles Triebert
- More keys were added to woodwinds by Theobald Boehm
Pre-existing melody before the harmony. Basic melody in polyphonic genre of the music.
Medieval music starts right after the Roman empire collapsed. It is very hard to seperate the medieval era and Renaisaunce era. At the beginning of medieval era, the genre of the music was monophonic, but later at the end of medieval, it changed to polyphonic genre.
- Opera
- Cantata
- Oratorio
- Concerto
- Sonata
Romantic music is a term denoting an era of Western classical music that began in the late 18th or early 19th century. It was related to Romanticism, the European artistic and literary movement that arose in the second half of the 18th century, and Romantic music in particular dominated the Romantic movement in Germany.
Plainchant melody with one or more voices added. The plainchant melody being the bases, the added voice forms a harmony. Both of the melody are having same texts and are in parallel motion.
The Baroque Era was a new movement in art which introduced a whole new style to art and music all over the world. The general style was one of bold, clear and easily interpreted detail.
Western Baroque Music
Influences of Medieval Music
Western Romantic Music
Famous Composers
Medieval Music Exmaple
Musical Elements Used
Musical Elements
Two Types of Baroque Music
Famous Composers
Free, fluid rhythms for sacred music; dance rhyth, used for secular music
- Vivaldi
- Handel
- Bach
Use of speed fluctuations and cross rhythm tend to weaken the barline, resulting in softer pulse.
Foreign Influence
- The crusades and Arab love songs
- Middle Ages culture change
- The ideals of courtly love
- The music and songs of troubadours and minstrels
- The patronage of Medieval nobles and women including Eleanor of Aquitaine
Traditional Enlgish influence
- The growth of Christianity in the Dark Ages leading to the introduction of secular music
- The stories and legends of the English, Welsh and Scottish bards
- The ideals of courtly love
- The poets and authors of the era including Geoffrey Chaucer
- The music developed by the Medieval waits
- Franz Schuber
- Richard Wagner
Concerto Grosso
A polyphonic composition that based on a main theme that is called a subject
An orchestra arrangement in which a few soloist players are backed up by a large group of other players called tutti