"Solar Water Disinfectant Process technology that involves killing deadly contaminants through thermal treatment and UV-A-radiation."
dual purpose of food and water storage
only a concept for now
The bag is filled with grains and sent to communities in developing countries.
When the grains are gone, they fill the sack with the water.
not a large amount of water
Uses straps for easy transporting of water to community sources
do not know exact price to manufacture
low cost
Works Cited
"Life Sack Water Purifiers." PureDrinkableWater. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.
"Life Sack Solves Drinking Water Issues for the Third World." Inhabitat Sustainable Design Innovation Eco Architecture Green Building Life Sack Solves Drinking Water Issues for the Third World Comments. Inhabitat, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.