- Lincoln was up for re-election in Nov. 1864
- Realized that his dream of reelection rested on the Union's success in battle
- Ulysses S. Grant summoned to take command of the entire Union forces
- Grant has a plan to continue positive momentum of the Union forces
- Wanted to crush Confederate army before election
- Was up against General Lee who was short on men and supplies
- Grant would use the North's population and industry to weaken the South
The American Civil War
- Confederate capital= Richmond
- The Confederates still held hope of keeping the Union out of Richmond
- By 1864, the strategy was to just hold on as long as possible
- Union to have presidential election in later that year in November
- Hoped Lincoln would be replaced, following negotiations to end war
What exactly is a CIVIL WAR???
What are some other examples of Civil Wars throughout history?
Sherman Video Questions:
Complete the map & answer the following questions regarding the video:
1. What was the objective of Sherman and his troops?
2. What is the "great myth" of Sherman's march?
3. What strategies did Sherman use to achieve movement?
4. Were these strategies successful? How were they different from previously used strategies?
5. Who were the foragers? Who were the bummers?
6. Why is Sherman considered one of the most controversial generals in American history?
7. What were the SHORT TERM and LONG TERM consequences of Sherman's march to the sea?
The End is Approaching ...
What are some possible motives for Civil War to break out within a country?
Create a graphic organizer showing the events that led to the surrender of the South
- Describe the event/ factor
- Note the significance of each event
- Be sure to be complete and explain!
- Use pgs 410-416 in your text to complete this chart
War in the West
*Include Battle name, location, date, and brief description of what happened, who won, etc.
* The TOP HALF of the timeline will be for battles in the EAST
*The BOTTOM HALF of the timeline will be for battles in the WEST
Create a timeline showing the major battles of the Civil War
Two major fronts to the war:
Battles of the Civil War
- Lincoln faced the challenge of re-election as well as nomination from his own party
- Radical Republicans
-committed to emancipation
-wanted to punish the South
-backed their own candidate (John C. Fremont) instead of Lincoln
-Fremont eventually withdrew
- Lincoln nominated as Republican candidate w/ new VP
- Andrew Johnson
- Southerner
- Democrat
- Democrats nominated General George McClellen
- McClellen promised to negotiate w/ Confederacy if elected
- Major victory in the South (capture of Atlanta) solidified support for Lincoln and diminished feeling of peace in the North
- Lincoln was re-elected & would serve a second term
General William Sherman-in charge of war in the West
- Grant was battling Lee while Sherman traveled southeast towards Atlanta in July of 1864
- Similar strategy to Grant
- HUGE contingent of troops (98,000)
- Confederates could fight and endure massive casualties or refuse to fight & leave Atlanta to Sherman
- General Hood (Confederate) went up against Sherman's massive troops
- Lost thousands of troops to Sherman in a series of battles
- Laid siege to the city
- Confederates abandon Atlanta by early September, 1864
-Confederacy took control of Southern economy
- determined the amount of certain goods being produced and distributed
- wool, cotton, leather, etc.
- farmers were required to contribute 1/10th of produce to war effort
- seized control of Southern railroads from private owners
- imposed a tax on personal incomes
- authorized the seizure of male slaves for military labor
-Republicans controlled Congress following the Southern Democrats leaving the federal government
- Passed the first federal income tax in 1861
- Imposed taxes between 3% & 5%
- Internal Revenue Act of 1862
- Imposed tax on liquor, tobacco, medicine, newspaper ads, etc.
- Reformed the national banking system
- previously America had relied on state banks
- 1862-Congress passed law to have a national currency
- greenbacks-paper money not backed by gold standard
-Dealing with a plethora of different issues
- Practical and political problems of war
- Long & costly
- Confederate Constitution created problems
- recognized states rights & slavery
- caused problems throughout the war
- Convince the South to be loyal to new gov.
- Not enough men to fill the needs of army
Many different factors and issues contributed to the outbreak of the American Civil War
-Immense numbers of men needed to fight
- Many volunteered as soon as war broke out
- General Lee instituted a draft-required military service
- 1862-Confederate government passed the draft
- Wealthy could buy out of their service
- Many argued that this violated states rights
- Required men between the ages of 18 & 35 to sign up
- Eventually this was raised to 45, then to 50
-Union blockade cut off trade in the South
- particularly cut off trade of cash crops (cotton, tobacco, etc.)
-The Confederacy hoped for intervention from Europe
-Great Britain and France did plead with Union to forgo conflict
- Failed to gain recognition as an independent nation
- Great Britain did allow the Confederacy to contract the constructions of ships in their ports
- Great Britain opinion regarding conflict was divided
- some sympathized with Southerners
- many believed that an independent South would make for better trade and a better market for British goods
- however, their was a strong anti-slavery sentiment in Great Britain
- Some concern over the South's ability to win the war
- British decided to just wait and see what would happen w/ the conflict before jumping in
These factors contributed to a build-up of tension and the outbreak of violence between the North and South resulting in the secession of the South and the creation of the Confederacy
Which battle was the more significant turning point in the Civil War? Vicksburg or Gettysburg?
- Watch the following videos
- Determine which battle was more or a turning point
- Gather evidence to support your choice
-Faced similar issues as the South
- Needed to raise troops, create loyalty and uniting the country behind the war effort
-Dealt with international crisis
- Increased tension with Great Britain as they played games regarding supporting the South
- Union protested Great Britain's involvement
- Demanded damages
- Strained relationship at best
What were the causes of the Civil War?
What caused the South to secede?
Could the Civil War have been prevented?
-RESEARCH and find the causes of secession and the Civil War as a whole (THERE ARE A BUNCH)
- Create a list of these causes including any important dates and details regarding the topic
- You may use the internet for this research as well as your textbook ( pgs 344-373)
- BE SURE to explain WHY each item on your list is a cause for secession and the Civil War
*This will be your first classwork grade
- April 9, 1865
- Appomattox Court House, Virginia
- Grant surrounded Lee
- Both generals met in a private home to discuss the situation
- Lee surrendered to Grant
- Terms of surrender:
- Southern soldiers could take their horses and go home
- Would not be punished as traitors as long as they obeyed the laws where they lived
- Grant did overly celebrate victory: In his mind, the South's misfortune was not to celebrated since they were once again part of the Union
Could the Civil War have been prevented?
Union Military Strategy
-Naval blockade of the South
- Lincoln wanted to cut off trade in the South
- Winfield Scott came p w/ blockade & implemented it
-After blockade is in place, send Scott to take the Mississippi
- This would cut the Confederacy in two and weaken them greatly
- Nicknamed the Anaconda Plan
-Finally, slowly amass the needed number of troops to be able to successfully invade & reclaim the South
Confederate War Strategies
- Federal Fort off the coast of Charleston, SC
- Still occupied by Union troops even after secession
- Confederates preventing supplies from reaching the fort in a way to force them out
- Lincoln faced with two choices
1. Force supplies through & ignite a war
2. Let the fort go & acknowledge the authority of the Confederacy
- Lincoln informs the government of SC that he is sending food, not arms or ammunition, to Fort Sumter
- April 12, 1861- Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter after a refusal of surrender
- Battle lasted for 34 hours before the fort was surrendered to the Confederacy
-Prepare and wait it out
- "All we ask is to be let alone"
- Hoped Lincoln would let them go in peace
-The South was on the defensive
-War of Attrition
- Inflict continuous losses and weaken your enemy until they give up
- This strategy did not take the North's strengths into account
-Stop trying to supply cotton (trying to break blockade)
- Loss of cotton in international industry would bring the British and French to their side to help them win and regain cotton supplies
- Europeans turned to other sources for cotton resulting the the South's plan backfiring
Fort Sumter was the opening battle of the Civil War...
- By firing on Federal property, the Confederacy committed an act of open rebellion
- Lincoln immediately began calling for troops
- This resulted in the UPPER South seceding and joining the Confederacy
- Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, & Arkansas
Confederate Weaknesses
Sizing up both sides
Union Weaknesses
-Similar to the Confederate strategy, the Union instituted a draft
- Draft was put into place in 1863
- Union expected a long, difficult war and needed more men
- Wealthy could buy out their conscription
- Many opposed the draft
- violence broke out in protest in cities like NYC
-Union also faced political opposition
- Copperheads
- made up of the Democrats who remained
- warned against flood of freed slaves following influx of Republican legislation that could negatively impact job opportunities
- urged Northerners to resist draft and desert Union army
* BE PREPARED to explain WHY you believe each is a strength vs weakness
* You may utilize the internet to complete your chart as well as your textbook (Pgs. 382-383)
Confederate Strengths
Union Strengths
CREATE a chart within your notes to display the Strengths & Weaknesses for both the Union & the Confederacy
Advantages & Disadvantages
- Design the front page of a newspaper detailing the major events going on around this date
- Provide 2 MAJOR stories w/ a write up/ picture/ illustration to go along
- Include who, what, where, when, why
- Include details
- Create2 MINOR stories/ advertisements
- Keep them relevant and in the correct time period
The date is April 16, 1865
The location is Washington D.C.