He wrote 3
Killed his victims in Aldgate, Spitalfields, St-George-in-the-East and Whitechapel
The five victims
Mary Ann Nichols date:31.8.1888
Annie Chapman date:8.9.1888
Elizabeth Stride date:30.9.1888
Catherine Eddowes date:30.9.1888
Mary Jane Kelly date:9.11.1888
He ate the bowels of his victims
Between August and November 1888 in the East End from London he killed five prostitutes and garbled four prostitutes
His victims were prostitutes and females
he could kill well with the knife
If you live in 1888
Jack the Ripper
The police never catched him!!!
Bloody Mary
she lived from 18.2.1516 to 17.11.1558
born in Greenwich
Queen of England and Ireland
Queen from 1553 to 1558
killed 300 protestant people
The English Myths and Legends
He sent a half kidney.
He described his murder.
He described the next murder.
He wrote to the police.
He wrote to his boss, the devil.
He wrote that he wanted to go to his "work" right now.
He wrote that it was a little game.
about the letters from Jack the Rippper
Heinrich VII. (1457–1509)
Heinrich VIII. (1491–1547)
Elizabeth von York (1466–1503)
Mary Tudor (1516–1558)
Ferdinand II. (1452–1516)
Katharina von Aragón (1485–1536)
Isabella I. (1451–1504)
dad:Heinrich the eight
mom:Katharina from Aragon
Bastardbrother: Henry Fitzroy
The other four childs from her parents died after the birth.
(Blody Mary is
a drink too)
When did Jack the Ripper kill his victims?
The Queen from England
and Ireland
Who was Bloody Mary?
How many people did Bloody Mary kill ?
300 people
with what for a wepon did Jack the Ripper kill his victims?
A knife