What is fuel
Fuel can be in any form, solid, liquid or gas. Fuel
is anything that stores energy and that can be used,
be burned, or consumed, or it can operate something.
Fuel can be something that is decayed, or second-
handed, this type of fuel is called a biomass. The biomass is something like wood, or anything that have energy to be consumed.
How can fuel be consumed?
Fuel can be consumed of heat, combustion, and hydrogen. Heat is used to consume fuel, when fuel burns with heat, a combustion releases energy after it ignites and reacts with oxygen in the air.
Types of fuel
There are all kinds of fuels, there are biomass, fission, fusion, and fossil fuels. Biomass belong to the group biofuel, which is a group that repersents "junk energy". Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, which is basically coal and natural gas, formed from ancient plants and animals by exposing to the big pressure in the absense of oxygen in the earth's crest over a hundred million years. Fission and fusion are nuclear fuel and they are quite dangerous, although this type of energy is renewable. The fusion fuels tend to be light materials such as hydrogen.