Complete and Related
Your Opinion
- All of the information must be included and it all needs to relate to one another.
- A journalist must express their own opinion in their article.
- You can't be influenced by others or companies and organizations.
Don't interview your friends!
- When you interview your friends you aren't going to want to say bad things about them so what you say might not be truthful.
9 Elements of Journalism
- A Journalist's first responsibility is to the people.
True or False?
- All of a journalist's information must be true.
- They need to care about what the people want to hear and what they think.
- If some information is false then no one is going to believe any of the information you might have later on.
The Truth!
- To be a journalist you must be honest.
By Lauren Haylett and Sara Knorr
Must be Interesting!
- The article must be interesting to the reader and must make sense with what is going on in the world.
Room for Comment
- People need to be able to say what they like and what they don't like about your work.