SWOT Analysis for
(Positive Internal)
(Positive External)
- Strong brand name, brand loyalty
- Wide variety of food and drinks
- Known internationally (10,083 franchises in 33 countries at end of 2011)
- Associated with major sports figures
- Adapts to competition
- Customer rewards programs/coupons
- Expansion to previously untapped regions/new increase in demand of coffee and baked goods in said regions
- Providing wider variety of healthy options
- Focus on environment- napkins made of 100% recycled fibers
- Partnership with Rainforest Alliance to donate to coffee growers
(Negative External)
(Negative Internal)
- Similar competition (Starbucks, McDonalds, Krispy Kreme, etc)
- Search for healthier lifestyles
- Increasing prices of raw materials (coffee beans, sugar)
- Complications in expansion due to franchising methods
- Easy access to baked goods industry allows for lots of competition
- Limited market share
College Marketing Period 8
Andrew Riggio
Jon Logan