Discovering your leadership style
What did we learn?
-IF EVERYONE TRIES TO BE A BUFFALO NOTHING WILL WORK. This is the same for all the other groups.
-The reason that you are standing on a compass is because you are looking across at your leadership counterpart, this is the person that you need to compliment your strengths and weaknesses.
-Eagles are great for the picture but they tend to lose sight of the execution of the vision and how others in the group feel.
-Deer get very focused on the means but seldom understand the ends.
The Buffalo are doers
The Bears are the thinkers
-It has NOTHING to do with people. IT is okay to be a buffalo, a deer, an eagle or a bear.
Eliana Kahan
Lauryn Froneberger
Emily Costa
Natalie Eyob
-The Idealists in the group
-They see the big picture not the small details
-They are the people who focus on one idea and are committed to the execution of that one idea
- Learn about different styles of leadership styles and the importance of each
- Understand the importance of self reflection in developing as a leader
- Reflection on your personal leadership identity (strengths and weaknesses)
- Counterpart of the eagle
- Lead from the sidelines
- They keep things together from the outside
but they seldom ever get credit because they are not like the buffalo
-Watch out for the best interest of the group (EXAMPLE: GROUP PROJECT
-Counterpart of the Buffalo
-The bears are always thinking of innovative ways to lead.
- They are thinkers rather than the doers
- A leader at the front of the group - North
- The most visible leaders that you see and hear
- In a situation of chaos with no leader, they will step up and lead the group.
- Ex. At the Challenge Course, the buffalo in the group would say “let’s try this. let’s just do this” rather than carefully planning.