The Evolution of Disney Princesses
By: Teresa Gonzalez
Global Context
- increase in immigration asked for more diverse princesses.
- in the 1960's Martin Luther King was fighting for civil rights especially in media, therefore Disney diversified their princesses.
- from the 1960's-1980's women wanted more rights and equality to men and a better portrayal in media.
From 1937 to the present the Disney princess movies continue to include music and singing and a theme of romance. the princesses shift from relying on the male figures to becoming more independent and the Disney movies begin to develop the relationship between the prince and the princess rather than relying on "love at first sight".
- Musically based because people enjoy music and catchy songs help promote their movies.
- as culture leaned more towards feminist views, the princess movies did too to please their audience.
Elsa & Anna
Tiana & Repunzel
- development of prince and princess's relationship
- strong females who work hard to achieve their goals
- musical
- More diversity
- completely independent female characters
- romance isn't the main focus
- main focus is the relationship between the sisters
- female characters save each other rather than relying on a male character to do the job
Mulan & Pochantas
- very diverse racially and culturally
- completely independent women
- development of the relationship between the prince and the princess
- musical
Jasmine & Belle
Snow White, Cinderella & Aurora
- princesses are slightly more diverse, but still mainly Caucasian
- the females are intelligent and independent engaging in activities like reading and taking adventures
- reliance on men to solve major problems and "save the day"
- musical
- more development of the relationship between the prince and the princess
- princes have more of a background
- prince saves the princess
- all three are Caucasian
- Musical
- princesses mainly sing, fall in love and have cleaning chores (traditional female roles)
- "love at first sight"
- no development of the prince's character