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Preschooler/Early Childhood Initiative vs. Guilt

Crisis or Conflict

"Am i good or Bad?"

Children need to begin asserting control and power over the environment by taking initiative. They do so by planning activities, accomplishing tasks and facing challenges. During this stage, it is important for caregivers to encourage exploration and to help children make the right choices. Caregivers who are discouraging may cause children to feel ashamed or embarrassed of themselves and become more dependent on others for help than they should be.

Positive and Negative Outcomes

Success in this stage, will lead to the positive outcome of virtue of purpose. They will understand the purpose of what they are doing, and they will know why they do certain things. This stage helps a child become a leader, and know how to appropriately behave and cooperate with others. A possible negative outcome in this stage, is that it is possible for a caregiver not to let the child take initiative, trying to protect their child along with others. However, a child need to be able to take initiative in order to become a leader, and not a follower. If a caregiver tends to punish a child, it can prevent the child from talking to other, and can harm their creativity because this stage helps them learn to communicate with others, and form creativity.

The Third Stage of Life


The third stage, also known the initiative versus guilt stage, happens within ages three to five, known as the preschool or early childhood years. During this stage, children learn how to express power and control through social interaction such as playing and exploring. This is the stage in which parents often see action and behaviors that may be thought of as "aggressive".

Through the years of ages 3-5, we learn to be creative and to take initiative. Going to preschool taught us how to communicate with others, and to be dependent. For example, we learn that we have to share with others and when playing games we learn to be fair and to cooperate, but also to take initiative and be able to do things on our own. This stage teaches us to be creative, and enable us to come up with our own ideas and strategies. If we were not allowed to do this at this age, it is likely that we will not become dependent, and will depend on others for help more often than we should. It would also prevent us from socializing and communicating with other which is something every child should be able to do.

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