The Roman Empire
Time Line: 7th and 6th Century
- Servius Tullius became king
- Roman-Etruscan Wars
- In the face of a potential Sabine invasion, a dictator authorization was appointed
- 753 Rome is founded
- Tullus Hostillus became king
- Byzantium is founded
- Lucius Tranquinius became king
4th and 3th Century
- 300 BCE the Lex Ogulnia is passed
- End of the Samnite Wars
- Pyrrhic War
- 6 battles
- 343 BCE Start of Samnite Wars
- 306 BCE The Hernici declared independence
The Division of the Empire
- The Imperial Crisis
- Constant Civil War
- Three regions
- Reunited by Aurelian in 270 CE
Constantine and Christianity
- Edict of Milan in 317 CE
- Mandated religious tolerance
Fall of the Roman Empire
- Invading Goths
- 378 Emperor defeated
- Fall of Western Empire 476 CE
- Eastern Empire continued as Bryantine Empire until 1453 CE
- Lasting influence of Greek and Latin culture
- 31 BCE
- A. Caeser 1st emperor
- "Found Rome a city of Clay but left it a city of Marble"
- 14 CE
- Tiberius became heir
- Death started the Julio-Claudian Dynasty
- Caligula, Claudius and Nero
The Severan Dynasty
- Pertinax, ruling after Commodus, ruled for 3 months
- Three assassinations later Alenader Severus rose to power
- Death plunged the empire into Chaos
- Crisis of the 3rd Century
- 235-284 CE
The Year of the Four Emperors
Flavian Dynasty
- 69 CE
- Galba, Otho, Vitellius and Vespasian
- Unfit, Assassinated
- Initiated civil war - suicide
- Unfit, murdered
- Took power one year from Galba
- 70 CE
- Building projects, expansion and economic prosperity
- Titus Ruled from 79 - 81 CE
- Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
- Great fire of Rome
The Five Good Emperors
- Nerva, Trajan, Hadrain, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius
- Grew stronger and expanded
- Marcus' son, Commodus was one of the most disgraceful emperors of Rome