Analysis & Evaluation
This is the difference between Nat 5 and Higher Modern Studies. Nat 5 focused on description, whereas Higher requires candidates to assess factors/issues and make judgements about them. You could also assess each factor in relation to others.
How do you analyse a point?
PEEBEC paragraphs
Candidates should examine both sides of an argument in relation to the question before arriving at a conclusion.
- Point (1 sentence stating your point using the words of the question).
- Explain (2-3 sentences explaining what your point means).
- Evidence (A real example/piece of evidence to prove your point).
- Balance (A counter argument which links to the point but gives the opposite point of view).
- Evidence (A real example or a piece of evidence to prove your point of balance/counter argument).
- Conclusion (A summary which links your point and counter-argument back to the question and comes to a clear conclusion).
Higher Modern Studies
Analyse the causes of international terrorism
You need two or three paragraphs for a 12 mark answer
Answering the 12 mark extended response question guide
- 8 marks available for KU
- 4 marks available for Analysis/Evaluation
- Point (1 sentence stating your point using the words of the question).
- Explain (2-3 sentences explaining what your point means).
- Evidence (A real example/piece of evidence to prove your point).
- Balance (A counter argument which links to the point but gives the opposite point of view).
- Evidence (A real example or a piece of evidence to prove your balance point).
- Conclusion (A summary which links your point and counter-argument back to the question and comes to a clear conclusion).