Cho Lieu, J. E., Muntz, H. R., Prater, D., & Blunt Stahl, M (1999). Passy-Muir valve in children with tracheotomy. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, 50197-203. doi: 10.1016/S0165-5876(99)00245-1
Mehrhoff, J., (2017). Week 10 pulmonary functions and the medical SLP [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from MSUM D2L.
Passy-Muir. (2017). What is a Passy-Muir Valve?. Retrieved from
Passy-Muir Inc. (2008). Passy-Muir tracheostomy and ventilator swallowing and speaking valves: Patient education handbook. Irvine, CA: Author.
Quick info: Tracheostomy, or Trach
- Tracheostomy is a procedure that is done for individuals with respiratory failure, airway obstructions, paralysis, neurological conditions, or need long-term use of a ventilator, and more
- Allows for air to pass if the normal airway is impaired or obstructed
- Trachs can be permanent or removed after treatment
What is the PMV?
- The PMV is a one-way speaking valve that is attached to an individual's tracheostomy (trach) tube
- When the valve is attached, it offers many clinical benefits
- improved speech and voice functions
- improved smell and taste
- improved swallow (reduced aspiration risk)
- managed secretions
David A. Muir
Inventor of the Passy-Muir Tracheostomy & Venatilator Swallowing and Speaking Valves
Passy-Muir Valve
How does the PMV work?
Andi Elvert and Allie Heisler
SLHS 421-02
Applied Project
Communication Outcomes
with PMV
PMV Design Benefits
- Prelingual children with a trach or ventilator are able to practice typical motor speech patterns with the PMV
- Adults can regain access to verbal communication
- Provides a complete seal
- Membrane prevents air leaks
- Hands-free device
- Guides air into the oral cavity and upper airway system
- this provides a more natural flow of air through speech mechanisms
Connections to Speech Science
- PMV directs airflow to provide a source for speech
- subglottal pressure allows the vocal folds to vibrate (myoelastic aerodynamic theory of phonation)
- Without the valve, air would flow out of the trach, not through the vocal folds and oral cavity