Programming Languages
Research a programming language:
- Name the language
- Describe the area(s) used for
- Outline when it was or is used
- Special features
Develop a Prezi to show your findings.
Translation programs
High Level languages
All computer programs need to be converted to machine language (binary) in order to execute.
Translation methods:
1. Compiler - converts whole program code at once
2. Interpreter - converts one line, then executes it and repeats this process continually until the end of the program.
High level language instructions are similar to English, making programming easier.
- easier to understand for the programmer
- easy to correct errors and test programs
- programs can be used on different computers
Low Level Languages
What is a program?
- A set of instructions understood by the computer.
- Binary code
- Various languages available
Easy for the computer to understand, difficult for the programmer.
Machine Language
- directly understood by the computer 0111011100111
- Needs no translation - very fast to execute
Assembly Language
- uses simple instructions
- needs translation
Progamming Languages