Gas Laws on Mars
How to increase habitability on mars with explosives
-Thickening the atmosphere is hard
-On earth this was probably done by a massive object (meteorite) colliding with earth to help stimulate the warming of the planet and the creation of a larger atmosphere.
A Brief History
-In the past there has been large amounts of liquid water on Mars.
^Which is evident by the Valles Marineris (a massive canyon on the martian surface).
-There isn't nearly as much liquid water on the surface now.
^But there is still some liquid water/evidence of liquid water, which leads us to the question of why and how.
Valles in comparison with US
How to get Around This
Inducing Climate change on Mars
Why/How There is Liquid water
- We are currently destroying our own planet
- We need a plan for the future, it's better to have a plan before something happens rather than panicking when it does happen
- Using the knowledge of the Gay-Lussac gas law we can speed up climate change on mars to increase its habitability and possibly create another home for humanity.
-On earth, there is favorable temperature and atmospheric pressure (1 Atm) for liquid water within the thickness of our atmosphere.
-On mars the temperature, atmospheric pressure, and atmosphere are much different.
^The temperature stretches from -200 degrees F to 80 degrees F.
^The atmospheric pressure on mars is at .006 Atm.
^The atmoshpere is much thinner.
-This relationship between the temperature and the pressure is known as Gay-Lussacs' law.
-The application of Gay-Lussac law on both Earth and Mars is represented below.
-Mars has a triple point environment for water.
^Water can be in all three states of mater (gas, liquid, solid).
-There is less liquid water on mars because of this law
-In order to maintain liquid water on mars the temperature must be raised.
^This can be achieved by thickening the atmosphere.
^Traps the vapor in to help stimulate temperature growth.
^increase in pressure(atmospheric pressure)=increase in temperature
-Søg / Search." Why Is There No Liquid Water on Mars
at Present? – University of Copenhagen. University of Copenhagen. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.
-"ChemTeam: Gas Law - Gay-Lussac's Law." ChemTeam:
Gas Law - Gay-Lussac's Law. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.
-DeSilver, Drew. "Does Water’s Boiling Point Change with
Altitude? Americans Aren’t Sure." Pew Research Center RSS. Pew Research Center RSS, 2015. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.
Gay-Lussac Law
-This law shows a direct correlation between pressure and temperature. (as P increases, T increases)
-Is part of the ideal gas law
-Was discovered in early 1800's by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
-Law also helps to explain why the temperature at which water boils changes with altitude.
-The lower pressure on mars means that the temperature at which water boils is also lower.
-This helps to explain the lack of liquid water.
^When it gets hot enough to melt the ice on mars, the ice almost instantly turns to vapor because the pressure changes the boiling point of the water. Thus almost instantly vaporizing the water.
Artificial Meteorite
-It may sound very science fiction to say that we could live on mars in the future, but it could become a reality.
- If humans could artificially raise the temperature on mars, we could make it much more hospitable.
^ To achieve this Elon Musk proposed the idea to create an 'artificial meteorite'
^ This is not an actual meteorite.
^ His theory is if we can detonate nuclear fusion bombs (H-bomb) over both the poles of mars every sever seconds for a period of time, we could warm mars and melt its ice caps helping to thicken the atmosphere thus increasing the pressure in the atmosphere helping remove the current effects of the Gay-Lussac law and allowing liquid water to stay on mars.