- People tend to stay away from travelling to war-torn countries
- Political unrest tends to make people feel uneasy
- Strict access rules keep people from travelling freely (ie. Americans to Cuba)
- The study of population; numbers, distributions, trends and issues
- See fig. 1.14 & 1.15 (p.15 – text) population change by Age Group/Demographic trends
- Our population is aging / more single adults / more paid vacation time etc… E.g., More packages
for older adults (bus tours) …no single
supplements for lone travellers…
- Transportation has improved travel – faster, safer, cleaner (air, rail, bus, etc.)
- Technology -- Access to information on what is available for people allows the public to be more aware of their options (instantly on the internet)
- At times removing travel agent from the equation
The Five Factors Affecting Tourism
- The history of a country attracts people
- Places like Greece, Egypt, and Mexico where ancient civilizations existed
- People want to experience this
- Other places of cultural (religious) significance – Mecca, Vatican City, Jerusalem, etc
- When economic times are positive – people travel more for pleasure/more business travel
- People have more discretionary income: the money left over after taxes and basic living expenses / therefore people have more ‘fun’ money for trips etc.
- Travel costs have not skyrocketed in comparison to some things
- Tours and package deals geared toward all levels of income are available (budget to 5 star traveller)
1. Economic Factor
2. Political Factors
3. Technological Factors
4. Demographic Factors
5. Cultural Factors
Travel & Tourism GCC 3O1