The Evolution of Rap Music :
From Slave Songs to a Worldwide Culture
Started from the bottom:
An upcomming new culture
Started in the South Bronx, NYC in the 1970's :
- bad living conditions, a lot of riots
- no federal, state or city money
- social and art projects were cut off
"Disco-Era" at that time
- black youths couldn't go to the disco
-> they created their own "Disco"
"Park Jams" were held
-> first Park Jam was held by DJ Kool Herc
How did that sound develop ?
new innovations:
- Cutting on Time (by Grandmaster Flash)
- Scratching (Grandwhizzard Theodore)
- MC-ing (announcing and accomapnying the DJ)
from MC-ing to Rapping
- started with the MCs getting more creative
- first Rap song :
Sugarhill Gang - Rapper's Delight (1979)
-> Rap was seen as
Party music
-> Rap began to take over
- Run DMC played world tours
- Rap music was often compared to the Punk scene
-> Rap was young, rebellious and loud
Rap music became more rhytmical
and political
-> started with Public Enemy -It takes a Nation of Millions in 1987 :
- lyrics had a deep message
- content was more controversial
- soundtrack of rebellion
"I got a letter from the government
The other day
I opened and read it
It said they were suckers
They wanted me for their army or whatever
Picture me giving a damn -- I said never
Here is a land that never gave a damn
About a brother like me and myself
Because they never did"
Public Enemy - Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos
from East to West
started in Los Angeles, triggered by social grievances:
- Crack trade
- Violence
- Gang culture
- materialism
musical influences:
- Funk music of the 60's
- Piano and Synthesizer sounds
How did it get from social criticism
to such explicit content ?
What is Rap ?
- it's part of a cultural movement (Hip Hop)
- represented worldwide
- is a huge economic, cultural & political force
- resulted from social grievances in the Bronx, NYC
- revived old Black music (Jazz, Soul, Funk)
- became the soundtrack of rebellion for young people
Let's check the history !
US - President Gerald Ford denying federal assistance for New York (1975)
DJ Kool Herc
DJ Kool Herc preparing for a Park Jam ...
... influenced by the big sound systems in Jamaica
The birth of Rap
(1979 - 1987)
Gangsta Rap
(1988 - 1996)
Run DMC on stage with Aerosmith's lead singer Steven Tyler
Run DMC brought up the
typical Rapper's Dresscode
What is Rap ?
Conscious Rap
(1987 - 1996)
by Alpaslan Aslan