- Early Roman laws, referred to as the twelve tables, were released to the Roman people by a collection of ten men, the decemviri legibus scribundis.
- The state never prosecuted anyone, a private party had to accuse.
- Judges, equivalent of jurors decided whether the defendent was "condemo" or "absolvo". Any number of judges.
- Prisons were not forms of punishment.
- Lawyers didn't exactly know the law.
- Citizens of Rome were given special privileges in trials.
- America's law system is based off of Rome's, the constitution of the USA is the foundation of true American law.
- Common law is used in the USA, as it was in Rome.
- Court- Judge, Jury, Lawyers.
- Non-citizen charged: deportation, conviction, etc.
- Death penalty, imprisonment, fines. No cruel or unusual punishment.
- The Romans hated non-Romans.
- Treated other Romans with respect.
- People now have more rights that protect them in court.
- 5th amendment
- knowing what you are accused of
- attorney
- Jail not a punishment
- Death penalty--Pater familis or treason.
- Burning to death
- Strangulation
- Thrown from a roof
- Crucifixion
- Burying alive
- Stones tied and thrown into a river
- Mutilation of limbs
- Fines for the murder of a slave or animal
- Banishment
- Addition of the 8th amendment
- Jail time
- Some states have death penalty
- Fines
- Correctional
Citizenship meant different things for our cultures.
Our law system is based off of that of the Roman's-with a few tweaks.
Punishments for crimes have become humane.
Western culture has adopted and improved ancient European customs.
Roman v. American Legal System: Rights and Protections of Citizens
Rome's list of laws and regulations are the basis on which America's laws were founded, however, America has advanced in dignity towards punishment, the way in which a man is represented in court, and decency towards all men--not just citizens.
Roman Punishments
American Punishments
American Law
Roman Law
Differences in Cultures and Laws
KET. "The Roman Legal System." Sept. 7.
American Law. "History of American Law." Sept. 7.
UNRV History. "Ancient Roman Laws." Sept. 7.
American Law. "Civil Law in Rome." Sept. 7. http://www.unrv.com/government/l