Affirmative tu form is the same as the third person person present indicative.
EX. terminar- termina
escribir- escribe
Affirmative tu form commands- reflexive pronoun is attached to affirmative command, there is a accent mark put on second syllable of verb
EX Get mad- Enojate
Negative tu form commands- the formula is No+reflexive pronoun+command
Negative usted form commands are formed by placing no in front of the command.
EX. Don't speak- no halbe
Don't eat- no coma
To form a negative command with a reflexive verb the formula No+reflexive pronoun+command
EX. Don't get upset (enojarse)- No se enoje
Rules of Affirmative and Negative Commands for tu and usted forms
Reflexive Verbs
Usted form Commands
Affirmative usted form commands
Affirmative tu form Command
Tu form Commands
Affirmative commands are expressed by using the present subjunctive
EX. hablar- hable
comer- coma
In reflexive verbs, the reflexive pronoun is attached to the affirmative command and there is an accent mark on the second to last syllable of the verb, if there is only 1 syllable there is no accent
Negative usted form commands
Negative Tu form Command
Negative tu form commands are expressed by the tu form of the present subjunctive
EX. Don't read- no leas
Don't listen- no escuches
Only irregular commands occur in the affirmative tu form
Irregulars: poner-pon, decir-di, hacer-haz, ir-ve, salir-sal, ser-se, tener-ten, valer-val, venir-ven