The Montague/Capulet Family Tree And Time Line
- Half of the family migrates North to England
- Half the family migrates South to the Republic of Venice in Italy
- The family splinters into fourteen factions
- House's of Capulet And Montague Emerge
Family Tree
Ariabella Alonza-Montague
Mariabella Montague============
========Cristiano Capulet
Rosalba Alonza-------Lucia Alonza
=======Giulietta C. Capulet
- Giacomo Montague, Mariabella Montague-Capulet, and Giovanni Capulet are murdered
- Aronne Capulet becomes Patriarch of the House of Capulet
- House's are divided in enmity
- Blood feud Continues
- Giulietta Caterina Capulet is born
- Romeo Alessandro Montague is born
- Romeo and Giulietta elope, send their families into a unified fury
- The act of rebellion is rewritten
- Romeo and Giulietta, now Alexander and Kate, return to Italy in force.
- Under the guise of the plague, they destroy the power threshold of their families and take control as the rightful heirs
- In England, the remainder of the family is wiped out and scattered to the wind
- Alexander and Kate move to America, playing their part in the American Revolution.
- Kate and Alexander separate
- Kate takes Aidan as a paramour
- Alexander and Kate reconcile; Aidan is forcibly removed.
- Bishop, Kate's second in command, takes him under wing.
- Kate and Alexander take part in the World Wars, lending aid to the highest bidder
- Aidan begins a new diet
- Aidan cuts ties with Bishop, and Kate
- Aidan and Josh meet, room, work together
- Aidan and Josh meet Carson and Sammi
- Megan dies
Leonardo Montague------------------