L.O. To be able to write a story.
Go and write paragraph five - using the sentences on your whiteboard into your books
Go and write paragraph three - using the sentences on your whiteboard into your books
- What was the dream giver doing? How did he know something was wrong?
- What happened to the room? simile?
- How did he react?___ing, ___ed
- What had the egg landed on? What was going to appear in the boys dream?
Paragraph 4...
- What was the boys original dream - what had he been dreaming of?
- Where was he?
- How does he see the creature for the first time?
- What does he notice first?
- Describe the creature - 2a, simile, look at Wednesday's work!
- Where does the boy run to?
- Does he get trapped? Where?
Paragraph 3
Lots of our changes come into this paragraph!
Things to think about...
- What was the dream giver doing? How did he know something was wrong?
- What happened to the room? simile?
- How did he react?___ing, ___ed
- What had the egg landed on? What was going to appear in the boys dream?
- What was the dream giver doing? How did he know something was wrong?
- What happened to the room? simile?
- How did he react?___ing, ___ed
- What had the egg landed on? What was going to appear in the boys dream?
Paragraph 5...
- What did the Dream Giver do when he noticed there was a problem?
- What happened in the dream to save the boy? Remember to look back at your plans
- Write a sentence about the boy waking up?
- How does he feel about the dream? What might be happening to his body?
- What did the Dream Giver do when he noticed there was a problem?
- What happened in the dream to save the boy? Remember to look back at your plans
- Write a sentence about the boy waking up?
- How does he feel about the dream? What might be happening to his body?
Today we are going to write the rest of our story of the Dream Giver
Things to remember...
Check your work...
Sentence types
- Doubly ly
- Simile
- 2a
- 4a
- Fronted Adverbial
- ___ing, ___ed
Basic Skills
capital letters
finger spaces
full stops
joined handwriting
sound it out
make sense
Go and write paragraph four - using the sentences on your whiteboard into your books
Can you use your story map and tell your new partner the story?
Paragraph 6
- How does the Dream Giver feel now he knows everything is OK?
- How does the Dream Giver get out?
- Does the boy suspect he is there?
The Dream Giver
My Version...