Non-technical/Non-scientific approach
Reconceptualist approach
Eclectic Model
- It criticizes the technocratic-scientific models as not sensitive to the inner feelings and experience of individuals
- The focus of the curriculum are community, national, and world problems that need to be addressed through an interdisciplinary approach.
- It reflects on existentialist orientation.
- Eclectic models are not mere patchwork (pagtagpi-tagpi) but a synthesis (pagbuo o paghahabi) where desired features from several models are selected and integrated into a new whole.
- Oftentimes, Filipino educators, in particular, prefer eclectic models (halo-halo) which are a combination of several approaches, rather than commit themselves to one particular approach only.
- While progressivism emphasizes on child-centered curriculum, reconstructionism insists on a social-centered one.
- It criticizes the progressivists for putting too much emphasis on the individual learner to the neglect of the needs of society.
- The school is an institution of social reform.