- Small fries are 230 calories.
- Medium fries are 380 calories.
- Large fries are 500 calories.
Taco Bell uses peanut oil so if you are allergic to peanuts you should not eat Taco Bell.
E coli is a germ that lives in the digestive tracts of animals or humans. One common kind of E coli is O157:H7. This type of E coli can cause anemia or kidney failure, which may lead to death.
You can get E coli by coming in contact with feces (poop). This may happen when you eat or drink something that has been contaminated by feces. E coli can also get into meat during processing.
Ms. Christine Dougherty claims to have lost 54 puonds in two years by eating Taco Bell. Though she had a limit of 1,250 calories a day. Less intake on calories leads to wieght loss. She lost it by eating Taco Bell's Drive-Thru Diet. All of the seven items are under 9 grams of fat.
Symptoms of E coli
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal cramping
- Nausea and vomiting
Symptoms of E coli:
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal cramping
- Nausea and Vomiting