Leadership Theory Concept Map
Ellie Anderson
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"The best view comes after the hardest climb"
- All about how leaders prepare & encourage people to adapt, face, & deal with problems
- Goal: encourage people to change & learn new ways of living so they may do well & grow
- Stresses activities of leader in relation to work of followers in the contexts in which they find themselves
- More follower centered
- Not defined by position, anyone can be this kind of leader
- Systems perspective: problems complex, dynamic, can evolve & change, connected to others in web of relationships
- Biological perspective: people develop & evolve as result of having to adapt, therefore thrive in new circumstance
- Service orientation: use expertise/authority to serve people with possible solutions
- Psychotherapy perspective: understand people need supportive environment
- Model:
- Situational Challenges- technical, technical & adaptive, adaptive challenges
- Leader behaviors- get on the balcony, identify the adaptive challenge, regulate distress, main disciplined attention, give back the work, protect leadership voices from below
- Adaptive work- holding environment, leader-follower interaction
Transformational Leadership
- More attention to the charismatic & affective elements of leadership
- Process that changes & transforms people, includes assessing followers' motives satisfying their needs & treating them as full human beings
- Exceptional form of influence to go above expectations, increased motivation and morality
- Full Range of Leadership Model:
- Laissez-Faire: absence of leadership, hands off, little effort to help grow
- Management-by-exception: negative feedback & reinforcement
- passive: intervenes only after standards not met or problem
- active: watch closely for mistakes/violations then takes corrective action
- Contingent reward: exchange process
- Transformational 4 I's: idealized influence/charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, charisma becomes a part here
- Takes special kind of person, need followers to buy into it & then in turn hope they will be that kind of leader as well
- Increased perception of effective leadership, satisfaction, performance, engagement, and motivation
- Focuses on whether leadership is genuine or real in a time where people demand trustworthy leadership
- Intrapersonal perspective: focuses closely on leader & what goes on within the leader (lead from conviction, emphasis on life experiences)
- Interpersonal process: relational, created by leaders & followers together, leaders affect followers & followers affect leaders
- Developmental perspective: something that can be nurtured, develops over lifetime, can be triggered by major life event
- Practical approach: genuine desire to serve others, feel free to lead from own core values
- Theoretical approach: pulled from leadership, positive organizational scholarship and ethics
- Components:
- Self awareness
- Internalized moral perspective
- Balanced processing
- Relational transparency
- Factors that influence:
- Positive psychological attributes
- Moral reasoning
- Critical life events
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory
- Emphasizes leaders attentive to followers, putting them first
- Follower self interests before leader self interests
- All about service & influence, empowering followers to develop to full capacities, empathize with followers & nurture them
- Serve first, lead second
- Leaders ethical, serving greater good of organization, company & society at large
- Make sure other's highest priority needs are being served
- Everyone can learn to be one, yet often feels called to be one
- Follower receptivity
- 10 characteristics: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to growth of people, and building community
- Linden's model for Servant Leadership:
- Antecedent conditions: context & culture, leader attributes, follower receptivity
- Servant leader behaviors: conceptualizing, emotional healing, putting followers first, helping followers grow & succeed, behaving ethically, empowering, creating value for the community
- Outcomes: follower performance & growth, organizational performance, societal impact
- About how leaders motivate followers to accomplish designated goals
- Enhance follower performance & satisfaction by focusing on followers motivation
- Leaders try to enhance follower's goals by rewarding or providing info, provide followers with the elements they think followers need to reach their goals
- Emphasizes relationship between leaders style & characteristics of the followers & organizational setting, using the style that best meets followers' motivational needs
- 1) Leader behaviors: directive, supportive, participative, achievement oriented
- 2) Follower characteristics
- 3) Task characteristics
- Then, altogether follower motivation increases towards the goal
- Followers motivated if:
- They're capable of the task
- Their efforts will result in certain outcome
- Payoffs for doing work is worthwhile
- Process centered on interactions between leaders & followers
- Attention towards differences between leader & each of leader's followers
- leader forms special relationships with all of followers, each special & unique
- In-group & out-group
- Dyadic relationship is the focal point
- Phase 1: stranger
- Phase 2: acquaintance
- Phase 3: partnership
- Not exclusionary behavior by leader towards out-group, just more transactional in the way they interact
- Found high quality leader-member exchanges produce # of positive outcomes
- Innate characteristics of leaders
- Properties possessed in varying degrees
- Major leadership traits:
- Intelligence
- Self confidence
- Determination
- Integrity
- Sociability
- Extraversion most strongly associated out of Big 5 (Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, openness & extraversion)
- Having a leader of certain qualities critical to effective leadership
- Personality more seen in leadership emergence, being perceived as a leader
- Emphasizes the behavior of the leader, what leaders do & how they act
- Task behaviors vs. Relationship behaviors
- Ohio State studies:
- How someone acts when leading a group, responses showed initiating structure & consideration, core of this approach & central to what leaders do
- Michigan studies:
- Attention to impact of leaders' behavior on performance of small groups, employee orientation & product orientation
- Mangerial Grid, concern for production vs. concern for people
- Authority compliance: high production, low people
- Country club management: low production, high people
- Impoverished management: low production, low people
- Middle of the Road management: mediocre for both
- team management: high production, high people
- Additions:
- Paternalism/Maternalism- uses both (1,9) & (9,1) styles, "benevolent dictator", fatherly/motherly towards followers yet punish noncompliance
- Opportunism- uses any of basic 5 styles for own personal advancement, adapt & shift behavior
- All about leadership in situations, different situations demand different kinds of leadership
- Leader adapts to the follower
- Directive & Supportive dimension
- Leader evaluates follower, assesses how competent & committed they are to a given goal
- Follower skill & motivation may vary over time, leader should then change degree they're Directive/Supportive to meet changing needs of followers
- S1 (Directing): high Directive, low Supportive
- S2 (Coaching): high Directive, high Supportive
- S3 (Supporting): low Directive, high Supportive
- S4 (Delegating): low Directive, low Supportive
- Emphasis on skills & abilities that can be learned & developed in a leader
- 3 basic skills of an effective administrator:
- Technical skills
- Human skills
- Conceptual skills
- Skill based model
- Competencies: problem solving skills, social judgement skills, and knowledge
- Individual attributes: general cognitive ability, crystallized cognitive ability, motivation, and personality
- Leadership outcomes
- Career experiences
- Environmental influences
Relational Leadership Theories
Behavioral Leadership
Dispositional Leadership
Contingency Leadership
Gender and Leadership
Key to Your
Leadership Hike
Leadership Ethics
Culture and Leadership
- Evidence that women assume more domestic responsibility which leads to less work experience & more career interruptions
- additionally, women receive less formal training & have fewer developmental opportunities at work than men
- Women no less effective at leadership, committed to their work, or motivated to attain leadership roles than men
- however, women less likely to self-promote than men are and less likely to initiate negotiation
- women more likely to use democratic & transformational styles than men are
- Prejudice is particularly detrimental during unstructured decision-making processes that often occur when elite leaders are selected
Helping follower
to reach goal
Your Hike Starts Here!
Team Leadership
- Provides set of principles that guide leaders in decision making about how to act & be morally decent
- Theories about conduct & character
- Leaders have enormous ethical responsibility for how they affect others due to the aspect of influence
- Pays attention to followers' needs & importance of leader-follower relationships
- Engage followers to accomplish mutual goals
- Rooted in respect, service, justice, honesty, & community
Leader Follower Relationship
- Globalization creating greater need for leaders with greater understanding of cultural differences & increased competencies in cross-cultural communication and practice
- Ethnocentrism & prejudice can inhibit cultural awareness
- 9 cultural dimensions found through the GLOBE studies
- High degree of integrity, charisma & interpersonal skills universally endorsed
- An ineffective leader was found to be asocial, malevolent, self focused, and autocratic
Pick the path that's right for you!
- Team Leadership model provides framework to study systematic factors that contribute to a team's outcomes or general effectiveness
- Also to help team accomplish its goals by monitoring & diagnosing them team & taking the requisite action
- Strategic Decision model reveals various decisions team leaders must make to improve effectiveness
- What type of intervention should be used: Monitoring or Action taking
- At what level should the intervention be targeted: Internal or External
- What leadership function should be implemented to improve team functioning?
- Outcomes: greater productivity, more effective use of resources, better decisions & problem solving, better quality products & services, greater innovation & creativity
Now for some elements that might affect your hike!