The Duvalier Regime
- "THE DUVALIER REGIME." Mtholyoke. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2015. <>.
Roth, Catherine. "Duvalier, François "Papa Doc" (1907-1971) | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed." Duvalier, François "Papa Doc" (1907-1971) | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2015. <>.
Tontons Macouts
- Army Papa Doc organized to enforce his dictatorship
- Haitians called them the Bogeymen
- Enforced by torturing, raping, murdering, and beating anyone who opposed them
- Caused many to flee the country
- Papa Doc killed 40,000 Haitians during his reign
- Papa Doc also had Palace Guard: his personal body guards
Baby Doc
- Depended on foreign aid from America
- Father left him with the poorest nation in the America's
- Baby Doc left decisions to others and lived a life of luxury
"Papa Doc"
Francois Duvalier
- Elected President of Haiti in 1957
- Was a former physician from which his nickname comes from
- Declared himself president 1964
- Professionals fled the country after this
- Ran a dictatorship
Life under Papa Doc
Papa Doc's Death
End of Regime
- Died on April 21, 1971
- Named his son, Jean Claude Duvalier as his successor.
- Papa Doc wanted to get rid of the white people in the upper class and put more of the colored population in the middle and upper class
- 1963- the annual per capita- $80. In the U.S. it was $3007
- 10% Literacy Rate
- 1986 Jean Claude fled to France because of unrest in Haiti
- Regime lasted from 1957-1986, the longest in Haitian history