A tool to becoming more effective
Importance of questioning
Questioning is a critical skill for teachers because it is:
- An important influence on the extent of progress made;
- The most immediate and accessible way for a teacher to assess learning.
- The most common form of interaction between teacher and pupil;
- An element of virtually every type and model of lesson;
- A key method of providing appropriate challenge for all pupils;
Transform your classroom through quality questioning
Clare Kelly
Joanne Taylor
- Changes can readily be made which improve the engagement/involvement of pupils and at the same time encourage more higher-order thinking.
- Teachers can significantly enhance their questioning by attention to their wording.
Use Bloom's to analyse because:
- referring one participant’s answer to another participant to generate discussion not dependent upon ’the teacher’.
- the use of supplementary questions to require justification and extend thinking – it would be particularly useful to ask how a question might have been posed to ensure a higher-order of thinking by pupils;