This year in social studies i have learned many things.My favorite thing to learn about this year was about the Egyptians and the mummification.This year the thing that i disliked the most was all of the violence, wars, and all of the innocent people that died.I think that next year you should do more hands on activites.Next year you should do more prezies and fun activites.I would give the rising 6th graders the advice to pay close attention always and enjoy learning about our history.
A rectangular tower made by the Sumerians.
Was the top royal prince or the dynasty of the Chineese.
A knight who promises t
o support a lord in exchange for land.
The first dyansty in china.
A place in the city.
An object designed for protection or used in wars to fight the enemy .
Something that has been made to help people complete a task
A very thin soft expensive fabric made in china
A very powerful and rich person.
A teacher that teaches the jewish religious.
The language that the Inca spoke .
What the people of Egypt called there ruler.
A person who trades items.
A type of government where few people have power.
A feature of the earths land formed naturaly.
A brightly colered fabric hand sewn made in west africa.
A hard stone or rock used in jewlery of to decorate.
Ice Age
A period of time where the world frozer over around a billion years ago
What happend in the past that affected the future.
The study of how the world looks ,is shaped ,and moves.
A bone or object that was buried or covered with dirt for hundreds of years and imprented on the dirt.
The long expodition of the Hebrews , lead by moses from Egypt after the slaves were freed.
Dead Sea Scrolls
Scrolls of what the jewish believed .
The amazing lost art of writing in a beautiful way.
Black Death
A horrible disease that spread across alot of continents and killed millions.
The second largest continent in the world is Africa.
ABC's of social studies