by Fr. Bob Garon, 1974
"Teenagers have always been influenced by their friends. Much of their behavior has been conditioned by what their friends think. Very often, misguided friends have been a terrible influence on a teenager. Almost every drug addict started using drugs because of friends. Young people have gone out drinking because of friends. They have formed gangs and barkada because they need security in numbers and in like thinking. Some teenagers have run away from home because of arguments with their parents about their friends.
Friendship is one of the most important words in any teenager's vocabulary. Teenagers will do just anything to acquire a real friend. They will sacrifice much in terms of time, money and emotional involvement so that they can experience the joys friendship.
"Why is this so?" Until now teenagers have led sheltered lives. Their homes and their parents have been the center of their lives. But now they suddenly moved out of childhood into adolescence. They have just awakened to what it means to live in a society outside their immediate family. As they move out of the tender years, their greatest desire is to prove themselves. They want to move out from under the umbrella of their family and into the big world that is full of traps and snares. Learning how to survive in the world can be a scary experience.
"Friends have also been most influential in making a youngster strong and disciplined. Good friends have greatly helped a youngster grow in maturity.
That is why it is so important that you choose your friends carefully. You cannot live without friends. But the kind of friend you select is going to make a big difference in your lives. Choose them well."
"This is where friends come in. They become the teenager's bridge from the home to the world outside. They provide security and understanding. Security because the teenager is not alone when he has friends. Understanding because they are like him, having the same problems and going through the same experiences of growing into adulthood.