White Collar crime vs Blue Collar crime
In comparison
lower class vs. higher class
Blue collar offending is highly visible as it is generally more physically noticeable and often occurs in public spaces. In contrast, white collar crime is often only detectable through a paper trail.
A common background of financial privilege among white collar offenders has lead theorists to suggest one of the most significant differences between blue and white collar offenders is their social status.
when a person commits a crime, they are violating of the laws of their city, state, and country they are in, and may be prosecuted and punished according to the law
Blue Collar
Blue collar crime
White Collar
White Collar Crime
- most likely committed by a person of higher social status
- relatively sophisticated criminal activity in which individuals entrusted with commercial or governmental responsibilities abuse their positions for financial or political gain.
- Victimization is not as obvious as in violent crimes because harm is usually spread out over a substantial number of victims.
- White-collar crime often overlaps with, but is not strictly limited to, Corporate Crime corporate crime, state crime, and state-corporate crime.
- Crimes committed by an individual from a lower social class causing injury to person and property.
- It is just the opposite of white-collar crime.
- For the most part, blue-collar crime means crimes that are often advanced by passion rather than those that require careful deliberation.
- Crimes against the person, crimes against property, and many forms of victimless crime such as prostitution, gambling and drug abuse are all examples of blue-collar crime.
The current laws of blue collar and white collar crime are unfairly punished compared to each other because white collar crime being mostly higher class offenders allowing them to afford better lawyers then those convicted of blue collar crime.
Thank you for listening
What are these crimes faults
The solution
Take away the information from this presentation needed to close the case of blue collar vs. white collar crime.
To equal up the punishments of blue collar crime and white collar crime steps need to be taken to promote how much more damaging white collar crime is compared to blue collar crime. This will change society’s view of the damage these crimes cause and hopefully encourage harder punishments for white collar crime instead of blue collar crime.
Both white collar and blue collar crimes are very serious crimes, but as said early both crimes are mostly defined by their social status meaning those with a lower social status can’t afford as good as lawyers as those with a higher status. Therefore those that commit white collar crime will quite often not serve their deserved punishment unlike blue collar crime who receives a harsh punishment.