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Myths & Stories
Myths and Stories
Muslims believe in one incomparable true God, Allah. Allah is the creator and sustainer of the universe and all his creatures depend on him. Muhammad is a modern prophet who started the religion of Islam. He wanted to unite the Arabs into one religion and after having a vision from God he slowly spread his revelations. Muslims believe in Al-Qadar which is the belief that although God is the almighty he has given humans freewill.
Islam has some comparisons to Christianity in its teachings through its stories, however muslims believe that Muhammad was the ‘final, ultimate prophet’, he became a messenger through his vision of allah and revelations that he received.They believe they world was created by God. This is important because it means that everything they read in the Quran is absolute truth and should be followed.
Cross: the cross is the defining symbol of Christianity as it symbolises the crucifixion of Jesus, the great sacrifice.
Fish: the fish has become early universal symbol for Christianity that symbolizes the story of the miracle of loaves and fishes that Jesus performed and hence the Eucharist.
Lamb: the lamb is a recurring symbol of Christ throughout the bible as “Christ is our shepherd and Peter was told to feed His sheep” .
Rainbow: the rainbow is the Sign of the Covenant that is a gift from God in Genesis after the great flood of Noah’s Ark.
The Christian belief system recognizes Jesus as the Son of God that was sent to wash away mankind from the death of sin. This is grounded in the historical Old Testament which details God as the creator of all mankind and the fall of man. The trinity is then the belief that God is One but made up of three parts: The Father Then Son and the Holy Spirit.
The 10 commandments are the basis of all Christian law. Christians follow the values set out in the Bible, they will always try to set a good example while avoiding lies, indecency and inappropriate behaviour. There are certain more specific rules set out in the Bible such as not allowing abortions.
Muslims are required to fast during the month of Ramadan every year. It is an important time as it promotes closeness with God, but also allows those who are wealthy to develop sympathy with the poor and suffering, and encourage them to donate to those that need help. Muslims also wash themselves facing in the direction of the city of Mecca before each time they pray five times a day, this represents purity.
The Bible is the center of Christian beliefs. It tells stories which guide a Christian’s morals and ethics. Many Christian groups believe it to be the literal truth but others believe it is the word of god written by humans through their religious experience. The Christian Bible is made up of two parts, the New and Old Testaments (meaning “covenant”). The Old Testament is foundational and authoritative while the new testament reveals the beauty of Jesus.
Sacred Texts
Christians worship God at church every Sunday. When they commit to being Christians they are baptised in water. Singing and worship is a common practice and is usually done during the church service.
The Five Pillars of Islam are the religious duties that form the basis of correct behaviour. Fulfilment of the Five Pillars is believed to bring enlightenment and rewards in the afterlife
1. Daily confession of faith (shahada)
2. Daily ritual prayer (salat)
3. Paying the alms tax (zakat)
4. Fasting during the month of Ramadan (sawm)
5. Pilgrimmage to Mecca (hajj)
Sacred Texts
Muslims respect the Old and New Testaments but the true Islam text is the Quran, divinely created by Muhammad since 610 CE. The Quran and is believed to be the literal word of Allah, it is read in Arabic. Quran means "The Recital" in Arabic; according to the story, the angel Gabriel commanded Muhammed to "Recite!”. The Hadith is the second most important text which includes traditional sayings and other Islamic wisdoms.
Myths and Stories
Many stories are written in the Bible that explain what happened before, after and during the life of Christ. These include the creations story, where God made the world in 6 days, Noahs ark where God wiped the earth clean with the exception of the righteous and his family and the Death and resurrection of Jesus.
In Catholicism, the Pope leads all Catholics and sets standards for what is acceptable, the cardinals follow. Next are bishops and then priests followed by the general public.
Islam is against appointing “holy symbols” but certain ideas have become popular within the religion.
The crescent moon and star is placed on the top roof of a mosque since the reign of Ottoman in Turkey. He made it because crescent moon and star are both the creation of Allah in this universe which decorates the sky and it will give light in the dark of a night and the star can be used to find a direction.
The word Allah is very important in Islam and is often used in decorative Islamic art, such as calligraphy, in order to present complex ideas..
The colour green is the official colour of Islam, it is believed to be valued because it is associated with life and paradise. Its importance is mentioned in the Quran.
Muslims worship god as a reality, he is seen as being ‘different’ and separate from everything else. The Hajj or “pilgrimage to Mecca” is visited at least once in a Muslim’s life time.
Allah is the leader of the Islamic religion with the great prophet Mohammed being the closest human to God. Imams also lead the community in prayer at the mosque as Mohammed once did.
Prayer allows Christians to connect with god on a personal level and to have an emotional connection with him. Christians sometimes perform pilgrimages, often following biblical paths as a way of keeping in touch with their spirituality. After water baptism, in some churches they also baptise people in the Holy Spirit which allows the speaking in tongues, speak with the lord directly outside the basis of English language.