Do Now (2 minutes): In your notes, jot down your criteria for deciding if water is clean enough for you to drink.
LO: YWBAT identify the possible water contaminants that could be in Jamaica High School's water.
Essential Question: What information can we trust from the NYC Water Department and what do we need to check ourselves?
1. Bacterial pathogens
2. Harmful inorganics - lead and copper
3. Harmful organic compounds - endocrine disrupters, pharmaceuticals
4. Aesthetics - taste, odor, color
Current levels of reservoirs that supply the NYC system:
On the iMacs: In groups of 2, go the the NYC Lead Test Kit Request page and order a test kit for your home.
Sustainability Design Project - Drinking Water Issues
Homework: In groups of two, research potential solutions for purifying water at our school.
- You know more about our goals, limitations, and user needs than last week. The solutions you search for today and this should take those into account.
- Submit via online form or ask me for a print out.
NYC Drinking Water
Where is it from?
Testing our water!
Common Drinking Water Issues/Contaminants
NYC Water Lead Test Kit
- NYC provides a free lead test kit at: