Disk 1
Fruegal beaten
in battle
Shana Rescued
Head to Hellena
Head to Seles
Lavitz met
Party meets
Charle & Caron
Head to Hoax
Party battles Kongol
Dart gains
Party arrives
in Ulara
Party arrives
in Rouge
Party fights Virage # 1
Rose joins party
Party battles
Dart Reunites
with Haschel
Each member undergoes
a personal test
Party arrives in the
Death Frontier
Party arrives
in Aglis
Arrive in
Head through the
Dragon's Nest
Party goes to
Shirley's Shrine
Party Meets Savan
Dart wins
4 fights
Party receives the
White Dragoon
Party battles the
Last Kraken
Shana is
Rose is revealed to be
the Black Monster
Party changes
Wingley Law 703
Shana is revealed to
be the Moon Child
Party battles
Grahme and Feybrand
Party Meets Collon
Party goes to
Party fights Jiango
Hooded Man steals
Moon Gem
Dart loses
to Lloyd
Diaz is revealed
to be Zeig
Party is teleported
to Zenebatos
Lavitz gains
Jade Dragoon
King Albert
Albert gains Jade
Party battles
the Executioners
Party fights Lloyd
Haschel joins
Party Changes
Law 410
Party fights Fruegal
Lavitz Killed
Party returns
to Hellena
Party goes to
Signet Sphere
Shana is taken by
Emperor Diaz
Party confronts Diaz
Lavitz attacks
Hooded Man
Party goes
to Mayfil
Albert joins Party
Party pursues Lloyd
Hooded Man is
revealed as Lloyd
Zeig destroys the
Signet Sphere
Party leaves
for Tiberoa
Lloyd kidnaps
the Queen
Disk 2
Party battles Lavitz
Party finds Lloyd fighting
the Divine Dragon
Party meets Fester
Party goes
to Barrens
Party battles
Party battles Zachwell
Head to Kazas
Coolon saves
the Party
Party fights the
Divine Dragon
Party arrives
in Fletz
Party returns to
Dart's Dragoon
is Stolen
Miranda battles the
Death Rose
Haschel gains
Violet Dragoon
Party battles
Kongol again
Party travels to the
Mountain of Mortal Dragon
Party Meets Meru
Haschel Battles
Coolon is killed
by a Virage
Party goes to the
Moon that Never Sets
Party arrives
in Donau
Party meets
Princess Lisa
Meru joins party
Obtains Dragon
Block Staff
Party starts a
search for Lynn
Shana exhibits
strange powers
Party goes to
Valley of Corrupt Gravity
Kongol battles
Party faces
Grand Jewel
Rose & Dart battle
Party meets Kate
Party returns
to Fletz (time 2)
Party arrives in
Home of Gigantos
Albert battles Doel
Party attacked
by Virage #2
Zeig is revealed to be
controlled by Melbu Frahma
Party faces
Virage Hybrid
Party travels to
the Wingley Forest
Meru battles the
Lloyd & Dart
attack Melbu
Party returns to
Fletz (time 3)
Party battles Zeig
Kongol saves
the Party
Party battles the
Super Virage
Party finds Lynn and
Dart's Dragoon Spirit
Divine Dragon
attacks Deningrad
Haschel and Meru
stand guard
Party travels to the
Forbidden Land
Lloyd is killed
Dart is given the
Divine Dragoon
Kongol joins Party
Party beats Melbu
Party arrives in
Party arrives
to Bandits
Miranda joins as
the White Dragoon
Haschel and party
fight Gehrich
Dart saves Shana
Party saves Emille
Meru & Rose rejoin
the Party
Party meets
Bishop Dille
Dart & Rose are
separated from
the group
Party frees Lisa
Rose & Zieg sacrifice
themselves to kill
Melbu for good
Party battles Lenus
Meru & Rose
leave Party
Shana is rejected as
the White Dragoon
Party learns of the
Black Monster
Lenus escapes
Lenus steals the
Moon Dagger
Disk 3
Party goes to
Evergreen Forest
Meru gains the
Blue Dragoon
Party battles
Lenus (Dragoon)
Party arrives
in Furni
Lenus is killed
Lenus gives Lloyd
the Dagger
Party arrives at
Prison Island