Nancy Walsh
Comer, Ronald J., (2013). Abnormal Psychology. New York, New York: Worth Publishers
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing
Hoyal, H. D., & Spangler, D. L., (2005). Anorexia Nervosa. In Freeman, A., Felgoise, S.H., Nezu, C.M.& Reinecke, M.A (Eds), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (pp. 29-32). Springer US
Hsu, G.L.K. (2005). Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. In Goldstein, D.J., & Stunkard, A.J., (Eds) The Management of Eating Disorders and Obesity (2nd ed). (pp. 71-84). Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press
Mehler P.S.,Gray, M.C., & Schulte M.(1997). Medical complications of anorexia nervosa. Journal of Women's Health. 6: 533–541.
Romano, S.J. (2005). Anorexia Nervosa. In Goldstein, D.J., & Stunkard, A.J., (Eds) The Management of Eating Disorders and Obesity (2nd ed). (pp. 61-70). Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press
Nancy's symptoms include:
- Extremely low body weight
- Lack of recognition of the dangers of low body weight
- Depressed mood most of the day everyday day
- Diminished interest or pleasure in almost all activities
- Fatigue or loss of energy
Family Support – Close, Affectionate, Caring, Invested
Financial Resources
Family Problems– Enmeshed, Controlling, Expressive, Dependent, Entangled
Potential Relapse
Cultural Setting
Potential to Recover
Mental Status Exam
307.1 Anorexia Nervosa, Restricting Type, Extreme (Primary Diagnosis)
269.22 Major Depressive Disorder, Moderate, with Melancholic Features
V61.8 High Expressed Emotion Level Within Family
V62.89 Phase of Life Problem
- Nancy appeared to be very sick and unhealthy due to her thin and fragile body, as well as very colorless complexion.
- Her psychotomotor behavior came across as very slow and weak, with her only able to remain stiff in certain comfortable positions.
- Mood and affect was very lethargic, while also being angry and pessimistic.
- Her speech was very soft with long pauses and came across very dull.
- Nancy's cognitive processing was of concern due to the fact that she is in complete denial about her illness.
- Her thought patterns are illogical with lots of doubt about her condition.
Differential Diagnosis
307.59 Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
300.7 Body Dysmorphic Disorder
309.0 Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood
V61.20 Parent – Child Relational Problem
V62.3 Academic or Educational Problem
Reason for Visit
- Sally and Thomas Walsh believe that Nancy's symptoms began after getting her wisdom teeth removed.
- She began using that as an excuse not to eat and became more and more restrictive.
- In addition, Nancy started her first semester of college and upon her return her family and friends became very worried about her weight loss.
- She began lacking interest in the activities and relationships that used to bring her happiness
- Due to Nancy's refusal to seek treatment the family is considering taking to legal action to gain rights to her medical decisions.
- They are seeking family therapy in order to avoid having to go that far.
Short Term Goals:
- Immediately refer to physician for medical evaluation.
- Restore Nancy’s weight/BMI to a level that reduces her health risk
Health Risks: death, organ failure including kidney problems, gastrointestinal problems, heart failure (Mehler, Gray, & Schulte, 1997), amenorrhea, drop in white blood cells, electrolyte deficiencies, osteopenia or osteoperosis, and generally compromised medical state (Romano, 2005).
Long Term Goals:
- Family Therapy - Interpersonal Functioning
- Individual Therapy for All Family Members
- Nutritional Counseling, CBT For Nancy
1. Build Trust
2. Establish Normal Eating & Weight
3. Identify, Evaluate, and Modify Beliefs
4. Relapse Prevention
(Hoyal & Spangler, 2005)
Intake Date: 11/1/13
Interns: Christina Reed, MFTI, Rachael Topel, MFTI
Clients: Nancy Walsh, Sally Walsh, Thomas Walsh, Sr.
Treatment: Family Therapy
Timing of Session: Prior to court
Referred by: Parker Pavillion
Christina Reed
Rachael Topel