The Mu‘tazilites & The Ash‘arites
Schools of Islamic Theology
- Concept of divine justice
- Concept of God's doing the better and the best for human beings
The Mu'tazilites
III. Five Principles
The Mu'tazilites
- Promise of the Reward and Threat of Punishment
- Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil
- Reaction against the excessive rationalism of the Mu'tazila.
- Reason must be subordinate to revelation
- They rejected God's attributes
- Qur'an is not a creation, it is a feature
- Chose logic over revelation
Mu'tazilah Islam (2014). Retrieved from:
Robinson, N. (1998). Ash'ariyya and Mu'tazila. Retrieved from: http://www.musli
- Pupil of Abu 'Ali al-Jubba'I
- Rejected reductionist account of the 'attributes of essence'
The Mu'tazilites
Differences Between Mu'tazila and Ash'arites
I. Background
- The conception of God and the nature of His attributes.
- Freedom of the human will.
- The criterion of truth and the standard of good and evil.
- The vision (ru’yah) of God.
- Createdness of the Qur'an.
- Possibility of burdening the creatures with impossible tasks.
- Promise of reward and threat of punishment.
- The rational or irrational basis of God's actions.
- Whether God is bound to do what is best for His creatures.
- It was the 1st school of theologoy
- It was established by Wasel bin Ata'
- Also known as "rationalists"
Done By: Kamar Odeh and Mariam Ali
- The Mu'tazilites and the Ash'arites were two distinct schools of theology
- They were founded in the time period where Islamic Theology was the talk of the hour
- Both schools originated in Basra, Iraq in the eight century A.D
- They had opposing ideas between the world of logic and the world of revelation