Chuck Palahniuk
Best Selling Novels
Invisible Monsters
Fight Club
- Intern at NPR during college
- Wrote for a local newspaper in Portland for a short time
- Worked at Freightliner as a mechanic
- Briefly worked as a journalist
- Quit to volunteer at a homeless shelter
- Volunteered at a Hospice for the terminally ill
- Quit after his favorite patient died
- Started writing fiction in mid-thirties
- Attempted to write first novel, Invisible Monsters
- Rejected it for its disturbing content
- Published in 1999 (Third Novel)
- First rejected for being too disturbing
- Revised version was published
- Plot
- Character is unnamed
- disfigured woman
- goes by multiple identities
- Published in 1999 (Second novel)
- Chapters and pages are numbered backwards
- Creedish Cult
- death cult
- Must wait for a sign from God then commit suicide
- The main character becomes the last person to survive then leaves the cult
- Published in 1996 (First Novel)
- Attempt to disturb the publisher even more for rejecting him after Invisible Monsters
- Wrote book in spare time
- Initially published as a short story
- Then made it into a novel
- Plot
- Underground fighting club as radical psychotherapy
- Started writing Fight Club
- Twentieth Century Fox showed interest
- Edward Hibbert signed Chuck
- Book made into a movie
- Continued to write books and short stories
- (Will show later in presentation)
- Still presently writing today
Background Information
- the 1997 Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award (for Fight Club)
- the 1997 Oregon Book Award for Best Novel (for Fight Club)
- the 2003 Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award (for Lullaby)
- Born Feb. 1962 in Washington
- Parents divorced at age 14
- Mother died of cancer
- Often lived with grandparents
- 1986 grad of University of Oregon school of Journalism
Other Books and Short stories
Style of Writing and Influences
- Short Fiction
- "Negative Reinforcement" (1990)
- "The Love Theme of Sybil and William" (1990)
- "Insiders" in Best Life (2007)
- "Cold Calling" unpublished (2007)
- "Love Nest" unpublished (2007)
- "Mister Elegant" in VICE Magazine (2007)
- "Fetch" in Dark Delicacies III (2009)
- "Loser" in Stories (2010)
- "Knock, Knock" in Playboy (2010)
- "Romance" in Playboy (2011)
- "Phoenix" (2013)[45]
- "Cannibal" in Playboy (2013)
- "Zombie" in Playboy (2013)
- Fiction
- Fight Club (1996)
- Survivor (1999)
- Invisible Monsters (1999)
- Choke (2001)
- Lullaby (2002)
- Diary (2003)
- Haunted (2005)
- Rant (2007)
- Snuff (2008)
- Pygmy (2009)
- Tell-All (2010)[40]
- Damned (2011)[41]
- Invisible Monsters Remix (2012)
- Doomed (2013)
- Beautiful You (2014)
- Complex issues
- Death, morality, childhood, parenthood, sexuality, ect.
- Prior to Lullaby
- Transgressional fiction
- Charters...
- don't fit into the norms of society
- self-destructive aggressiveness
- After writing Lullaby
- Satirical horror
Structure of writing
Structure of Writing
Books that are Movies
- Most stories
- In medias res
- Latin "in the midst of things"
- Start plot at the middle
- Retell the beginning or flashbacks of the story
- Few stories
- linear
- Often major plot twist at end of book
- Minimalistic approach
- Limited vocabulary
- Short sentences
- Talking like an average person
- Tom Spanbauer
- Taught Chuck in Portland from 1991 to 1996
- Amy Hempel
- Mark Richard,
- Denis Johnson
- (and others)