Flooring Department Financial Overview
Top Classes in the Flooring Department
Sales Last Week $35,491
Sales Last Year $1,242,000
Think out of the Box.
1. Vinyl Flooring
2. Floor and Wall Tile
3. Tile Set Materials/Tools
4. Ceilings
5. Laminate Install
How often do we say thank you?
Bottom Classes in the Flooring Department
Introduction to SWOT
What did I do? (My undercover investigation)
1. Special Order Carpet
2. Carpet Install
3. Wood Flooring
4. Storage
5. Tile Install
- Checked for overall appearance of the department
- Asked associates to see if they were empowered
- Asked questions to test the knowledge of associates
- Checked for customer service and team morale
- Did and overall price analysis
- Asked associates about changes they would make to the department
- Shopped as a customer to purchase tile and stone
- Asked questions to test the knowledge of associates
- Checked for customer service and team morale
- Did and overall price analysis
Our Values
Home Depot Flooring Department
- Area Rugs
- Carpet and Carpet Tile
- Exercise and Gym Flooring
- Garage Flooring
- Laminate Flooring
- Tile
- Tile Tools and Tile Set
- Under Floor Heating
- Vinyl Flooring and Resilient Flooring
- Wood Flooring
Visit To Floor and Decor
Information from the #106 Associates
- Customer Service
- Pricing
- In stock
- Appearance
- Customer Traffic
- Location
- Selection Variety
- Recent Changes to Flooring Department
- Additions to the department
- Empowerment
- Customer Morale
- Recent Promotions
- Communication
THD vs F&D
Overall Observations
- Increase customer interaction
- Introduce yourself to the customer
- Hold more weekend clinics
- More community involvement
- Increase Employee Morale
- Store appearance
- Staffing in the department
- Communication
- My Visit to Floor and Decor
- Information Gathered from #106 Associates
- Home Depot Strengths
- Home Depot Weaknesses
- Home Depot Threats
- Home Depot Opportunities
- Home Depot Flooring Department
- Flooring Department Top Classes
- Flooring Department Bottom Classes
- Flooring Department Financial Overview
- Introduction to SWOT
SWOT Analysis