The Six Day War Time Line
Israel was created into a Jewish state, which made Arabs furious and disapproved of. They believed that Israel was the homeland for the Palestinians. President Nasser of Egypt was one of the main leaders who was hateful towards Israel for this reason, and wanted to completely destroy this “Non-existent” state.
April 7th 1967
After being endangered by Syrian and Egyptian threats, Israel struck Syrian fighters.
May 15th 1967
The Egyptian army along with Syria got ready to attack Israel.
May 18th 1967
Egypt asked the United Nations to move out of the Sinai Desert, saying that they were going to resolve the issue themselves.
May 22nd 1967
Egyptian troops went to the Sinai Peninsula and did not allow shipments to come to Israel.
May 30th 1967
President Nasser of Egypt asked King Hussein from Jordan to assemble together with both his country and Syria to fight against the Israelis. Lebanon also joined in.
June 4th 1967
The Arab countries Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and now Iraq assembled together formally. Each Arab country did not want to feel like a traitor by not helping out.
*June 5th
This was the start of the official Six Day war. Israel began by attacking the Arab countries rather than waiting for them to attack first. Arab planes were destroyed. Israelis attacked Egyptian troops and got a hold of the Suez Canal.
*June 6
The fighting continued.
*June 7
Israel fought Jordan and got a hold of West Bank and East Jerusalem.
*June 8
After three days of fighting Egyptian troops, Israel got a hold of the Gaza Strip and parts of the Sinai Peninsula. Then, Israel targeted Syria next for an attack.
*June 9
Israel took the Golan Heights from Syria.
*June 10
The fighting came to an end, and Israel was declared the winner because it had conquered the Arab troops, and took over some land from them. “Arabs suffered over 26,000 killed, wounded, captured, or missing and lost over 1,200 tanks. Israel lost 6,000 killed, wounded, captured, or missing; 100 tanks; and 40 airplanes.” – (Encyclopedia of World History)